Chapter 38: More Tragedy

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Enzi didn't react in time as the former tackled him and started clawing and biting into his flesh, causing him to yelp in pain. Enzi dug his claws into Zira's flesh; she roared before retaliating her attacks against him.

"Should we help grandma?" Nama asked with worry.

"We'll jump in just in case," said Faraji.

"Umm, guys? I hate to stop the moment, but we have company!" Chaka yelled out, gesturing to several lionesses charging their way.

"We must continue fighting! We can't stop now!" said Aisha, "Let's get them!" Aisha and her four siblings charged towards the upcoming lionesses and started attacking them.

Tanabi and Shani started to wake up after their little brother knocked them out. They shook their heads, getting the dizziness from their vision, "Ugh! What happened?" Shani asks.

"Our little brother knocked us out, that's what," said Tanabi, rubbing his head.

As Shani was about to reply, they saw Nala lying on the ground in a pool of blood with Mabaya standing over her triumphantly as the latter wasn't moving nor breathing. Both prides stopped fighting and stood in a circle, surrounding the two lionesses.

"Mother! NOOOO!" Nuru shrieked, rubbing towards her mother with Kiara and Kion running after her.

Nala sputtered as she struggled to keep her eyes opened. She coughed up blood and Mabaya smirked evilly and raised her paw to finish the older lioness off. Before she could do that, Kion shoved her out of the way, causing her to stumble five feet away from the scene as he charged at her.

"Mother, are you alright?" Kiara asked frantically.

Nala moaned, slowing turning her head to her eldest daughter, "K-Kiara?"

"I'm here, mother,"

Nala struggled to form words as she started to cough up blood, "I-I don't t-t-think I'll m-make it o-o-out alive," she stuttered, struggling to stay awake.

"Mother, don't say that! We will get you to Rafiki so he can save you!" Nuru butted in, standing beside her sister with tears forming in her eyes.

"I-I'm afraid..." Nala coughed up more blood as her breathing started to slow down, "I'm afraid my time has come."

Nuru's tears welled up in her eyes, "No, mother! Please don't say that! We will get Rafiki to patch you up! Please, don't leave us like this!" she pleaded with Kiara and Kion by her side.

"Kiara, Kion, Nuru," Nala looked up at her children for the last time as her vision started fading, "I love you all, and I want you three to continue defending the pride lands,"

Kiara struggled to stop crying as she gazed down at her dying mother with sorrow, "We love you too, mother," she wept.

Kion's tears fell as he bowed his head, "We won't let you down, mom," he said quietly. Only loud enough for Kiara, Nuru, and Nala to hear.

"I know you won't, Kion." the former queen looked at her children for the last time with a sad smile, Goodbye, my darlings. I'll miss you," Nala whispered audibly before laying her head down, closing her eyes, and taking her last breath.

"Goodbye... Mother... Say hello to father, grandmother Sarabi and Sarafina, grandfather Mufasa, Kopa, and everyone else for us," Nuru mumbled.

Kovu and Kiara's pride mourned for the loss of Nala. Tiifu and Zuri comforted Kiara and Nuru as their children and mates gathered around their grandmother/aunt.

Hofu felt a twinge of guilt forming inside of him. He bowed his head and mourned the loss of his aunt. He also felt bad about joining Abasi's pride and doing other misdeeds that got him exiled at a very young age.

Kion's blood boiled as rage starts to kick in his body as he gritted his teeth in anger. He wiped the tears from his face angrily as he targeted the evil queen.

Kion roared in fury as he charged at Mabaya in full speed. Before she could dodge out of the way, the prince tackled the queen to the ground in blind fury. Everyone could only watch as Kion sent brutal attacks towards Mabaya as she struggled to fight back.

The evil lioness struggled to shove the lion prince off of her and she couldn't defend herself from Kion's wrath and rage.

"YOU'RE DEAD, QUEEN MABAYA!!!" At last, Kion bit down on Mabaya's neck before twisting it until he heard a loud SNAP! Killing the outland queen instantly.

He panted as his thick mane covered his face. He lifted his head slowly and faced everyone around him. Abasi gasped and saw his mate was dead, killed by the prince of the pride lands. Tanabi and Shani started mourning for the loss of their mother. She may have been evil, but she's still their mother and deep down, they love her."

"N-no! NOOOOO! YOU MURDERER!!!" Abasi roared as he charged towards Kion and hits him upside the head, knocking him down. He stood over Mabaya's body and attempted to wake her up, "Mabaya? Mabaya, please! You're stronger than them!"

"M-mother?" Enzi walked to his father's side and nudged his mother with his paw, "Mother, please get up! We have to take back what's ours!"

Mabaya didn't respond. Abasi and Enzi roared in sorrow, their pride roaring in unison for the loss of their queen. Kion felt his anger disappearing as guilt started to overcome him yet again. He got up and bowed his head in shame. Enzi turned around and snarled at him with the intentions to kill.

"You!" Enzi started, marching towards Kion with anger, "You're going to pay for this!!!" Before Enzi could charge, Abasi stood in front of his son, blocking his path.

"That's enough, son!" Abasi said firmly.

"But, father! He-" Enzi tried to protest until Abasi raised his paw, silencing the younger lion.

"I know what he did. We must take your mother's body back to the outlands to bury her," he turned his gaze to Kovu and Kiara's pride, who glared at him in return, "As of the rest of you, we will be back, and this time, we will have the pride lands!" Abasi declared as he lead his pride back to the outlands with four lionesses carrying Mabaya's body with them.

Kovu, Kiara, and their pride gathered around Nala's body, and they all lifted their heads in the sky, roaring mournfully in unison.

End of chapter 38

A/N: We're almost to the end of the story. I apologize to everyone since I haven't been uploading more chapters recently. I have been thinking about future ideal stories I came up with. I'll be starting on them soon, but I can't promise I will finish them quickly since writing takes some time and patience. Besides, all authors need to take a break from writing.

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