Chapter 9: Taking Precautions

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Abasi, Rene, Kitana, and Omi had made it back to the outlands. They had gone inside the den and were met by Mabaya and the healer lioness; they had worried expressions on their faces, and Mabaya couldn't help but fuss over her mate like she does many times before.

"Abasi! What have you've gotten yourself into this time?!" Mabaya chastised. "My goodness! Those pridelanders will pay for hurting you!"

"Mabaya, please. I don't want to hear it." Abasi grumbled.

"Ugh! At least I try to be caring and kind towards you like a good mate should!" She muttered.

Abasi shot up and gave his mate a hard glare, "What was that?!" He snarled.


"That's what I thought. Because you got one more time to back-sass or so help me I'll-"

He was cut off by Kitana, who had woken up and is now standing in front of her Queen, "Don't even think about, Abasi!" She warned.

Abasi was flabbergasted, "Kitana, you better step down at once! Keep in mind that I'm the king around here!"

"And Mabaya's the crowned Queen of these lands! You're her king consort, and she chose you to be her king!" She spat back, rolling her eyes, "You better think twice before you go around here attacking the lioness who is bearing your cub!"

"She's got the point there, my king," said a lioness who's coming towards the scene, "I would advise you to keep your temper in check because you'll end up hurting the ones that love and care about you."

"ENOUGH!" He boomed, making everyone jump, "Those pridelanders will regret crossing me! We will get our revenge one way or another!"

"But we ambushed them twice and still got our asses handed to us," Omi pointed out, "How in the hell are we going to fight back now?"

"See? This is why I've said that we need to train 24 hours every day!"

"Come on, Abasi! We can't keep doing this!" Kitana said, "Can't we just leave them alone and find somewhere else to live?"

The lionesses agreed with Kitana. "We're not going anywhere! That's for quitters!" He snarled, "We will train harder whether you like it or not! We're not going to stop until we take the pride lands! Do you all understand me?!"

"Yes," they chorused.

He calmed down before laying back down to rest from his wounds with Kitana, Omi, and Rene while getting treated by the healer lioness. While Abasi and his three lionesses were getting treated, the two lionesses from Kovu's pride snuck out of the outlands. They ran back into the pride lands to inform Kovu about Abasi's return to the outlands.

Kovu spotted the two lionesses returning from their mission, "Kovu, Abasi, and his lionesses had made it back into the outlands," The lioness informed.

Kovu nodded, "Excellent, you both are dismissed," He tells them as they bowed their heads and walked away from him. Kiara walked towards her mate and gave him a living nuzzle, which he returned.

"How are we going to keep this pride and everyone else safe?" Kiara asked as she and Kovu pulled away from each other.

"I need to inform all the leaders to keep their herds away from the borders that lead to the outlands. Zazu had reported to me that a lioness was hunting in that area and has caught a zebra.

"Really? But Rogues aren't allowed to hunt near the borders; that's trespassing!" She said. "And stealing our food. We need to eat like everyone else here, and some of us are expecting cubs."

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