Chapter 24: The Truth Is Revealed

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Three hours later

Nalia was with her parents as Nuru was bathing her. The small family is outside near pride rock, and nearby, Kion and Tiifu are with their cubs as the princess is giving both her cubs their baths.

Little did Nalia know that Zazu had spotted her hanging out with Tanabi and Shani with her cousins. He had told Kovu and Kiara as they told Nuru and Naba about what's been going on.

"Nalia, I heard what your aunt and uncle had told us about you and your cousins playing with those outsider cubs," Naba said as he looked at his daughter.

"But, daddy! They were nice!" Nalia protested.

"It doesn't matter, sweetie. You and all of the other cubs should know that you're not allowed to be around them," said Nalia, "Good or evil, they can be manipulative and untrustworthy."

"They're not evil; I just know it!" Nalia argued, "I want to have them as my friends."

"Honey, you have plenty of friends here in the pride lands," Nuru replied, "You don't need to hang around those cubs anymore."


"You're mother's right, princess," Naba said, "Those two cubs are nothing but trouble. And what if their parents are out there? Then what could've happened to you?"

"I'm going to get hurt or killed," she answered softly.

"That's right. We're doing this because we love you, and we don't want anything happening to you," Naba replies.

"You're our only daughter, and we'll be sad if we lose you," said Nuru as she nuzzled her daughter.

"Yes, mom," said Nalia, nuzzling her mother.

The two broke apart as Nuru continued bathing her daughter. Two minutes later, Nuru is done cleaning her daughter, "Alright, Nalia. You can find your cousins and friends to play with. And be back by sundown,"

"Yes, mom. See you both later!" Nalia said as she ran off to find her cousins and friends.

"Where did she get her energy from?" asked Naba.

"Maybe she got it from my side of the family; we have trouble makers in our family," Nuru pointed out.

"Yeah, I agree with you about that," said Naba.

Nalia ran to the acacia trees and saw her cousins and friends were there, "Hey, guys!" she called out.

"Hey, Nalia," they called back.

"Did you get scolded too?" asked Kopa.

The princess nodded, "Yes. My mom and dad said that I'm not allowed to see Tanabi and Shani again,"

"Us too," said Kali.

"They said something about then being cruel and manipulative," Ayanna brought up.

"They don't act cruel," Chaka replied.

"Yeah, they were nice when we first started playing with them," said Nama.

"I have an idea: what if we go to the outlands and see them in person?" Jai began.

"Are you insane, Jai?! Abasi and his pride live there!" Bohari exclaimed.

"Yeah! And they'll tear us into shreds if we step paw into their home!" Nya butted in.

Then, Jabari walked towards the scene with Nadira, Kosi, and Ari trailing behind him. The four older cubs are now eight months old and are young preteens.

"I bet you all won't last in the outlands," Jabari said, "I've been there many times before."

"Jabari, you're such a liar!" Aisha remarked.

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