Chapter 28: Growing Up

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Hey, ya'll. I'm back with another chapter. I have made a lot of shippings as the cubs grow up into young teens. And Jamya's pups are growing up into teenage hyenas as well, and they found their future mates as everyone else did. There will be more ocs since I didn't add them to the earlier chapters. I'm sorry that you never got to read about them; I can guarantee that they'll be in the rest of the remaining chapters in this story. If you're writing a lion king story, feel free to use any of my ocs if you'd like.

Tanabi x Aisha

Chaka x Shani

Faraji x Ayanna

Bohari x Nama

Jai x Kali

Kopa x Nya

Jata x Azuli

Hodari x Cala

Ari x Nalia

Jabari x Nadira

Kosi x Nadra

Hofu x Eshe

Ayo x Lila

Enzi x Ali

Omari x Freya

Kijani x Lela

Well, everyone. These are my ocs and their future mates. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and the entire story overall, and I'll see you later.

One year later

Seven months ago, Mabaya had given birth to a healthy baby boy. They named the cub Enzi. Enzi has a medium-beige red fur with green eyes, dark brown tail tuft, black ear rims, a medium hair tuft that has a slight curl in the front, a black nose, medium eyeshades, a small scar on his left shoulder, creamy paws, underbelly, and muzzle. Abasi and Mabaya are proud of their son while he trains to become a killer and a future king. One day, Enzi had returned from the pride lands from his spy mission, and he had news to share with his parents, who were waiting for him in their den.

"Mother! Father!" Enzi called out, "I have news!"

"Go ahead and tell us, my boy," said Abasi.

"The former king Simba has died from an illness that's incurable," Enzi informed, "Those pridelanders seem like they're getting weaker by the day."

This made Abasi and Mabaya smile, "Yes! Now we don't have to worry about Simba interfering in our plans anymore," Abasi cheered, "Well done, my boy. You are amazing!"

"Thanks, father," said Enzi.

"Now, son. Please continue with your training with the teens. You and Ali may be the youngest out there, but you two are stronger and tougher than them," said Mabaya.

"Yes, mother," Enzi said as he ran out of the den.

"We raised a successful, true killer, didn't we, Mabaya?" said Abasi with an evil smirk.

The evil queen nodded, "Yes, dear. He'll become the future king with Ali by his side as a future queen. They both are hitting it off well,"

"I can see that. Both Enzi and Ali will make a perfect king and queen to the pride lands when we defeat those pridelanders," Abasi said, walking towards a hole in the den and peeping out of it to see pride rock from a distance, "One day, Kovu and Kiara, those pride lands will be ours! There's nothing you can do to stop us this time!"

Meanwhile, in the pride lands. A year has passed, and all of the cubs are now adolescents. The young males have their manes sprouting on their heads; their muscles are developing nicely, with some of them being a bit smaller than the others. However, the young females are growing into young lionesses, and by next year they'll begin their first hunt in a couple more months when they become young adults. When all young lions turn three years old, they'll be ready to have cubs or leave the pride to find a new place to live. Last week, the former king Simba has passed away from an incurable illness that even Rafiki couldn't save him.

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