Chapter 21: The Attack At Pride Rock

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Warning: this chapter contains violence, blood, and character deaths. Please read at your own risk.

The next day has arrived, and all of the lions are doing their duties. Before they began their duties, Kovu and Kiara had announced to the pride that Nuru and Kion, along with their mates, are officially royal advisers. The pride roared to congratulate the prince and princess of the pride lands for becoming the king and queen's advisers. The royal advisers can help the king and queen if they're having any issue that needs to be dealt with. And sometimes when the king and queen is traveling to visit another pride; two of the royal advisers may take over the pride for a few days.

After the announcement has been made, the pride continued with their daily roles; Kiara led the lionesses during their morning hunt while Kovu and his team of males went on their morning patrol. The cubs were playing near pride rock under the watchful eyes of Sarabi and Sarafina. Chaka and Nalia were still in the den since they were on punishment for their actions last night. But they kept themselves occupied by playing and exploring the caves inside of pride rock. Aisha and her siblings had decided to check up on their brother and cousin as they went back inside of pride rock after letting their great-grandmothers know.

"Chaka? Nalia? Are you in here?" Nama called out.

"We're over here, guys!" Chaka called back out, waving his paw.

The three cubs walked over to the duo, "How are you two holding up?" asked Faraji.

Chaka sighed, "We're grounded for two weeks from yesterday,"

"We can't meet up with Tanabi today," said Nalia.

Aisha's eyes widened, "How'd you know about Tanabi?" she questioned.

"When Chaka and I got lost in the elephant graveyard yesterday, we saw Tanabi who helped us out of there," Nalia answered. "And don't worry, I won't tell anyone about him."

"Good. And he also has a twin sister named Shani," said Nama.

"Really? I thought he didn't have any siblings like Neema and I," said Nalia.

"Nope, he has a sister who was born after him. They're the same age but a month older than us," Aisha explained. "When you're off of punishment in two weeks, you can meet Shani when we go to hang out with them in the tall grasses."

"Aren't we forbidden to see them since they are Abasi and Mabaya's cubs?"

"Yes, but we can't let anyone know about them; otherwise, we'll never be allowed to see them again," said Nama

"Relax. I won't tell my mom and dad or anyone in the pride. Because they most likely are going to tell auntie Kiara and uncle Kovu about them. What happens in the pride lands must be reported to the king and queen," Nalia replied.

"Good. Now, do you want to play with us?" asked Faraji.

"We could play in here since you both are grounded," said Aisha.

"Or, we could ask grandma Sarabi and Sarafina if they could take us to the watering hole so we could go swimming," Chaka suggested.

"I don't know how to swim," Nama reminded.

"Wait, didn't auntie Kiara and uncle Kovu teach you, Nama?" asked Nalia.

"No," Nama shook her head, "They said that we need to wait until we turn eight months old before we could learn how to swim; it's kinda dangerous for us to be swimming right now."


"Same here," Azuli said as she and her brother walked into the den, "Our mom and dad wants us all to wait before we can swim."

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