Chapter 16: First Time Outside Part 2

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Aisha, Chaka, Faraji, and Nama ran outside of pride rock to play with their cousins and friends. Hofu sees his older cousins running outside; he wasn't allowed to go out because he was one month old. He sighed as he sees Hodari and Azuli trotting towards him.

"Hey, Hofu," The twins greeted.

"Hey, guys," Hofu greeted in return.

"What are you doing here?" asked Azuli.

"Yeah, shouldn't you be outside with us?" Hodari quipped.

Hofu shook his head, "Sorry, guys. My mom and dad said that I'm still too young to leave the cave,"


"When will you leave the cave?"

"By next month. Then I'll be able to join you guys," Hofu answered.

"Oh, ok,"

Malaika walked towards her son, great-niece, and nephew, "Hey, Hodari and Azuli. What bring you both here?"

"We're just coming to see if Hofu can come outside and play with us," said Hodari.

"I'm sorry, but Hofu is too young to play outside with you two," Malaika said, apologetic.

"It's alright, Auntie Malaika. We understand," said Azuli.

Malaika turned to Hofu, "Hofu, it's time for your bath and breakfast. You can play with your friends in the nursery cave later," Malaika said as she picks up her son.

"Ok, mom," said Hofu, "See you guys later."

"See you later, Hofu,"

"Hey, sis. Let's go and play with the others," Hodari said as he ran out of the nursery den.

"I'm with you, Hodari," Azuli ran after her brother and caught up to him.

Before they can run down the slopes, their parents stopped them, "And where do you two think you're going?" asked Kion.

"We're going out to play," said Azuli.

"We have some rules to give you two first," said Tiifu.


"Yes, cubs. I know you don't want to hear them, but you have to," said Kion, "You both only can stay near pride rock at all times. Since you're two months old, you can't go any further without me, your mother, aunts, uncles, or grandparents to come with you."

"Your father's right, dears. And it would help if you also had Zazu to watch you. He's down there with your cousins right now, but you need to listen to him when he tells you something," Tiifu added.

"And most importantly; stay away from the outlands or anywhere that's dangerous for young cubs like you," Kion concluded.

"The outlands? Aren't all the former outlanders living here now?" asked Azuli.

"Well, yeah. But, some more outsiders moved into the outlands, and they're very dangerous," Tiifu answered.

"You do not want to go there. Trust me," Kion remarked

"Yes, mom and dad,"

"Good. Now go on out there and have fun," said Tiffu.

They nuzzled each other for a few seconds before Hodari and Azuli ran out of the den, "They have so much energy as we did, Kion," Tiifu remarked.

"I know. Remember all of the troubles we go into?"

"Kion, I didn't get into trouble. You and Kopa did when you two went to the elephant graveyard, " Tiifu remarked, playfully nudging Kion.

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