Chapter 33: A New Alliance

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Tanabi, Aisha, and Ari gasped; Nalia had admitted that Hofu was the one who hurt her. Ari's blood boiled in his veins; nobody dares to touch his future mate and gets away with it.

"I can't believe it!" Tanabi said with a frown, "Hofu has gone too far this time!"

"Oh, my gosh!" Aisha felt like throwing up as she sat down. Tanabi noticed his girlfriend's discomfort as he rubbed his head against her chest, "I can't believe Hofu would do something like that..."

"He's changed... We need to tell the king and queen about this," said Tanabi.

"Hey! Let me go!" The four lions looked down and saw Chaka and the others with Hofu in tow. Jai and Ayo were dragging the latter by the scruff as Hofu helplessly kicked his hind legs.

"Shut up, traitor!" Kali snarled.

"You've brought it upon yourself, Hofu!" said Lila, "Your parents are going to be furious!"

"So what if I hurt Nalia?! She deserved it!"

"No, she didn't!" Cala cut in as she defended her friend, "She didn't deserve to get hurt by her own cousin!"

Aisha, Nalia, Tanabi, and Ari walked out of Scar's old den to confront Hofu for his actions, "What did you do, Hofu?!" Ari demanded.

"None of your business!" Hofu hissed.

"It is my business! That's my girlfriend you've hurt!" he argued.

"Kali, Cala, and Ayo," Chaka addressed the three lions, "Get my mother and father; they need to do something to punish Hofu."

"Yes, Chaka," said Cala.

As the trio ran off, Aisha marched in front of Hofu and gave him a mixed look of hurt, anger, and betrayal, "Hofu," she started as her body trembled slightly, "How could you?"

"I did what I had to do, Aisha," Hofu replied, "So what?"

"You hurt Nalia! That's what!" she shouted.

"She was annoying me!"

"I didn't annoy you, Hofu! You chose to hurt me when I came to check up on you!" Nalia accused.

"You should've stayed where you were!" He glowered.

'I'm going to leave the pride lands. And nothing can't stop me!' Hofu thought.

"Hofu, you need to stop!" said Chaka, "Ever since two months ago, you completely changed!"

"And you tried to kill my girlfriend!" Jai snapped.

Hofu felt his blood boiling with rage fueling his body. He unsheathed his claws and slashed Jai in the left eye, causing the older teen lion to roar in pain. Everyone gasped in horror as Hofu shoved Jai into a rock, knocking him unconscious.

"Does anyone else want to fight me?!" Hofu roared as he bared his teeth.

Chaka and Faraji charged at Hofu with their teeth bared and claws out. With an evil smirk, Hofu side-stepped out of the way as the two royal brothers ran into a rock and fell unconscious.

He gathered sand in his paws and threw it at Aisha, Ari, Tanabi, Nama, Nalia, Lila, and Neema, blinding them temporarily. He grinned evilly before throwing every attack he could muster on his cousins and ex-friends. They tried to fight back blindly; Hofu was too strong and fast for them as he dodged out of the way and sent blows to their heads, knocking them down.

"You're lucky that I didn't kill you all on the spot!" Hofu grinned, "I'll be back one day with a greater pride, and we will kill you and take over the pride lands our way!!"

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