Chapter 17: Going To The Gorge

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Hey, Y'all. You must be wondering where is Timon and Pumbaa in the story. Well, they are at their jungle home in the oasis, and they're going to make a return to the pride lands. But don't worry, they're going to be in the remaining chapters until the end, and make sure to leave your thoughts below and enjoy reading.

It is late in the afternoon in the pride lands. Kovu and Aisha returned to pride rock from their lessons. Kiara saw them returning and trotted over to them with a smile on her face, "Welcome back you two," said Kiara, greeting her mate and cub. She nuzzled Kovu affectionately, which he returned, followed by a lick on the cheek.

"It's good to be back," he remarked as they pulled away.

"Hey, mom," said Aisha, nuzzling her mother's forelegs.

"Hey, honey. How were your first royal lessons?" Kiara asked.

"It was great! Dad taught me about the circle of life and how to be a good queen," said Aisha.

"He did, didn't he?" Kiara looked up at her mate.

Aisha nodded, "Yeah! He's a great teacher!"

Kovu bent down and nuzzled his eldest daughter, "And you're a great learner," he remarked.

"Dad and Aisha are back!" Chaka cried out as he and his brother and sister ran out of the cave to greet their father and sister.

"Hey, cubs," said Kovu.

"Hi, Dad," Chaka, Faraji, and Nama greeted.

"Hey, guys," Aisha greeted.

"Hey, Aisha,"

"Dad? Do you think I can join you?" Chaka asked, "I want to be a king in a different land in the future."

"Hmm, we'll see what we can do, son," said Kovu.

Then, Kira approached the royal family while escorting two guests behind her, "Your majesties. You two have visitors who want to see you," she said before stepping aside, revealing no one other than Timon and Pumbaa.

"Timon? Pumbaa? I can't believe it's you two!" Kiara exclaimed.

"Where have you two been?" Kovu asked as he and Kiara embraced the duo in a hug.

"Alright, you two. Let us go before you squeeze us to death!" Timon remarked as the king and queen released him and Pumbaa.

"Oops, sorry about that," said Kovu.

"Nice to see you too, princess Kiara," Pumbaa said.

Kiara chuckled, "Actually, we are the king and queen of the pride lands,"


"Yes. And we had four cubs who were born two months ago," Kovu added.

Kiara turned to her cubs, who talked to each other, "Cubs, could you all come over here? There's someone I'd want you to meet,"

Aisha, Chaka, Faraji, and Nama walked over towards their mother and father. Beside them, they also see a meerkat and warthog.

"Mom, dad, who are they?" Aisha asked.

"Cubs, this is Timon and Pumbaa. Timon and Pumbaa, these are our cubs; Aisha, Chaka, Faraji, and Nama." Kiara introduces.

"Hi, Timon and Pumbaa," the cubs greeted.

"Hey, kiddos," Timon greeted.

"Nice to meet you all," said Pumbaa.

"Our grandfather talks about you two a lot. He misses you," said Chaka.

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