Chapter 10: Kidnapping

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The next day arrived, and everyone had gotten up from sleeping. Since they had the meeting last night, Kovu and Kiara ensured that everyone follows their rules to help keep the pride safe. The cubs were a bit rebellious, and some were caught trying to sneak out of the boundaries their parents had made for them and were punished for their actions. Kion remained in the cave from his injuries, and Tiifu never left his side since then.

"Tiifu, why don't you go out and hang with Zuri and Kiara?" Kion asked.

Tiifu rolled her eyes, "I thought you wanted me to stay here since you're worried about my pregnancy," Tiifu answered.

"Yes, that's true. Kiara and Zuri are by the small cave near the entrance of the den,"

"Ok. But are you sure you'll be ok by yourself?" Tiifu asked.

Kion nodded his head, "Yes, Tiifu. I'll be fine. Just go on and get some sunlight,"

Kion and Tiifu nuzzled each other until Zuri arrived with Kiara behind her, "Hey, Tiifu. Do you want to hang out with us?" Zuri asked, "It'll be like our cubhood again."

"Sure, you two, I'm coming," said Tiifu.

"Be careful, you three," Kion called out to them.

"We will,"

Kion watched his mate walk away with her two best friends. Nuru walked towards him with Naba following behind her, "Hey, big brother," she greeted, "I came by to check up on you."

"Hey, little sis," Kion greeted in return, "Hey, Naba."

"What's up, Kion?" Naba greeted.

"And how's my future niece or nephew doing?" Kion asked, eyeing his sister's belly. "Betcha, he can't wait to meet his uncle Kion.

Nuru chuckled, "We don't know if the cub's going to be a boy or a girl,"

"We'll have to see when it's born. I'm sure it's going to be a boy," said Kion.

"Don't remind me," Nuru muttered, "Mother had given birth to all four of us, and she knows what it feels like. It's excruciating."

"And I hope I'll have a son as well," said Naba. He turned towards his mate, "What about you, hon?"

"I want a girl," she said proudly. "I know her aunts and uncles will spoil her."

"Wait until she gets older; you'll keep all of the males from being around her," Kion told Naba.

"I wouldn't want her to be hurt by any male," he proclaimed.

"What about her falling in love?" Asked Nuru, "She needs a mate in her life to protect her and help raise a family."

"I guess that's true," Naba sighed, "If anyone ever puts their paws on my daughter, I won't be so nice."

Kion and Nuru chuckled at Naba's overprotective nature, "You're starting to sound like my father," Nuru remarked.

"I know. But she should stay inside of pride rock," Naba said.

"But she deserves freedom like everyone else. We can't just lock her up forever, or she'll never get to see the world," Nuru argued.

Naba sighed, "Oh, alright. She can have freedom as long as she's cautious,"

Nuru raised an eyebrow, "Naba..."

"Oh, alright, Nuru. You win,"

"You guys argue like my parents," Kion butted in, "Dad wants us to stay near pride rock while mom wants us to explore the world."

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