Chapter 47: Epilogue

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One year later

Time has passed and all of the young lions are three years old. Traditionally, Kovu and Kiara's time as rulers has come to an end, allowing Tanabi and Aisha to rise as king and queen. Last year, the young lions had their wedding ceremonies several months after Abasi's death. But one particular ceremony was special for Tanabi and Aisha; all the inhabitants gathered at pride rock to witness the union of the former outlander prince and the princess of the pride lands.

Rafiki performed a ritual, putting a flower crown on Aisha's head and a flower necklace around Tanabi's neck. Afterward, both lions walked to the edge of pride rock, roaring in unison as the pride roared after them, the inhabitants cheered as well as the wind with flower petals blew a circle around the couple, noting the great kings are blessing them.

In the present time, things had changed from within the pride lands. Rafiki had retired and a new mandrill named Fatima became the new shaman and healer of the pride lands.

Chaka and Shani had taken Abasi's former pride and are living in the northlands. Faraji and Ayanna decided to move in with them and serve as second-in-commands, much to their appreciation. Hofu and Eshe started a pride near the mountains, also known as the highlands. Jamya's daughter Lela had become the matriarch of her clan, and everyone else remained in the pride lands to begin their new lives.

Speaking of new lives, today has been an exciting day in the kingdom. Tanabi and Aisha welcomed a son and daughter and their names are Shujaa and Nyota. Not only the king and queen had cubs, but all their friends and family also had cubs too. Today is the twin's presentation as everyone gathered at pride rock to see the new prince and princess of the pride lands.

All of Shujaa and Nyota's aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents watched as Fatima performed the ritual on the new cubs before taking them outside to present them to everyone in the pride lands.

Shujaa takes after his father but has the same coat passed down to him from his great-grandfather Simba. He has emerald eyes, a dark red tail tuft, a pale underbelly, paws, and muzzle, a dark pink nose, and a little hair tuft on his head.

Nyota has the same looks as her mother. To everyone's surprise, she has the same creamy coat and blue eyes as her great-grandmother Nala, but with a lighter tone. She has a light brown tail tuft and a white star-shaped marking on her forehead, and a light pink nose.

"Ugh! I'm bored!" Himaya grumbled with a pout. She looked up at her mother, "Mom! When's the presentation over? I want to play at the watering hole!"

"Hush, Himaya!" Shani hissed sternly at her daughter, "This is a special day for your cousins and you're not going to ruin it for them!"

"I'm not ruining it for them, I just want to play!" the cub argued.

"Young lady, listen to your mother and be quiet!" Chaka scolded.

"Haha! Himaya getting in trouble! Himaya's getting in trouble!" Ashanti teased in a sing-song tone.

Himaya glared at her twin sister, "Shut up, Ashanti!" she growled.

"No, you shut up!" Ashanti shouted back, getting in her sister's face.

"Girls! Is this how you're supposed to act at a ceremony?" Nama asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, auntie Nama..." the twins droned.

Nama rubbed her swollen belly, noting that she was expecting her first cub and future prince or princess of the pride lands, "You can't misbehave during a special day like that. You have to show respect by sitting quietly and patiently. If you don't, then your mother and father will punish you when you get home,"

"Ok..." they mumbled, sitting down in defeat.

Himaya and Ashanti are the twin girls of Chaka and Shani. Himaya has dark golden-brown fur, red eyes, a black tail tuft, light brown ear rims, a pink nose, medium cheek fur, a stripe on her forehead that goes all the way to her back, and pale paws, underbelly, and muzzle.

Ashanti has golden-orange fur, light green eyes, a black tail tuft, black ear rims, a black nose, medium hair tuft, and creamy paws, underbelly, and muzzle.

"I owe you big time, sis," said Chaka, "These girls have been trouble since day one."

"I couldn't agree more," said Nama, "And your niece or nephew is active inside me. I can't even sleep at night because of the cub kicking."

"Gee, I know how that felt when I was pregnant with the girls," Shani cut in, "They were rough in my womb like they want to come out early."

Nama chuckled, "No worries, Shani. We have a bunch of troublemakers in the family," she looked over at Jai and Kali's son, Rehema, who was trying to sneak away, "Sit back down, young lion!"

"Aw, but cousin Nama! It's boring here!" Rehema protested.

Kali cuffed her son's ear, causing him to wince and rub it in annoyance, "Didn't you just hear what your cousin said? Now sit your butt down and wait until the ceremony is over!" she barked.

"But-" Rehema tried to protest but was cut off by his father.

"Rehema, mind your mother," Jai advised.

"Yes, dad..." Rehema sighed and sat down in his mother's paws, pouting.

Rehema has light yellow-tanned fur with violet-blue eyes from his grandmother Vitani. A light brown tail tuft, black ear rims, dark pink nose, light brown hair tuft, and beige paws, underbelly, and muzzle.

Everyone sat in silence with some of the cubs sitting impatiently as the prince and princess were presented to the kingdom. Since Shujaa's firstborn, he would be the next king of the pride lands. As Fatima raised the twins in the air, the inhabitants erupted in cheers.

Kiara, Kion, Nuru, and their nieces, nephews, and grandchildren watched the ceremony while Tanabi and Aisha sat behind Fatima, watching everyone bow in respect for their new prince and princess.

The battle is over and the circle of life is complete. Everyone felt the weight lifting off their backs as they could no longer worry about Abasi and Mabaya causing any more trouble. Tanabi and Aisha nuzzled each other before looking up at the sky to see the images of Simba, Nala, Kopa, Sarabi, Sarafina, and Mufasa looking down at them with warm smiles on their faces.

"We are so proud of you, my granddaughter..." Simba's voice echoed, "Well done..."

"Thank you, grandfather..." Aisha whispered as the gentle breeze blew in her fur as she closed her eyes.

Tanabi and Aisha continued watching the ceremony with proud smiles and determination, hoping their cubs will help each other and their neighboring pride for many years and generations to come.

End Of Chapter 47

A/N: And this is the end of the story. Please leave your thoughts below and I hope you all enjoyed it all together. May God bless everyone and I'll see you all next time

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