Big Changes

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That evening as you are showering the lemon scent of your body wash invigorating you, breathing deeply you are only a little surprised to see the curtain move back and a naked Jimin climb in. When had this all gotten so normal again you think as he squirts soap on his scrubber and washes his own body.

Turning around you face him and smile. Your hands now in your hair washing it. "That was fun singing again."

He smiles. "It was fun hearing it. Everyone thought so."

He jerks his head and you turn around so he can wash your back. You have both fallen into this easy routine again and you were happy. You should be. Why not? But you were still wary. You didn't trust yourself to fully let go.

But as his hands went to the front and he started washing your front you couldn't see why that was so important.

But two days later you had no reason not to think that it was better to be wary. Nobody knew but there had been mergers of some other kpop groups with Big Hit and a new building had been under construction for over a year. It seemed like every day there was some new secret. New people coming in and out. And there were new contracts being signed by all sides.

With all these other units coming around some had girlfriends and there was a new ironclad no talking about anyone, no pictures being taken. And you hadn't been so angry at Jimin as the day you had to sign yours. Maria and Angie, Jen ai and Mingju were sitting at the same table as you along with various other girlfriends that you were still learning the names of. One girl who was a pretty latina, korean mix with gold green eyes was the one who belonged with Vernon from Seventeen. Bang PD and the lawyers were giving instructions on what was being entitled and what could happen if you were found in violation.

You signed yours immediately. Barely reading it as it wasn't a problem and the other girls all did as well. And when you guys left the room the waiting boyfriend's were concerned and then relieved that the process was easy enough. Jimin stood there holding a sleepy eyed Lucas who was due for a bath and bed as soon as dinner was over. And even as sleepy as he was he waved at all the new Tios that were always growing in number but already buying little toys and snacks that he loved.

Jimin looked at you questions in his eyes so you stopped. "Is everything okay?" You asked. And he nodded.

"I was just wondering if there were any problems? If you had any questions or reasons not to sign?'

You look at him and continue staring. "I'm not really sure what you mean?"

"Nothing just that, well this time those papers aren't just for Bangtan. It involves a lot of other people. And I just want you to be sure it's okay."

"Meaning? To be sure that I won't open my mouth? Or snap pictures?"

There's a crowd as people had been invited to dinner after the signing. You had been cooking for two days and the spread was amazing. Most people were working their way outside.

"The pictures that we took were for us. I never leaked them. And I don't remember asking to take more since then."

Jimin sighs. "Never mind we can talk later when you have calmed down."

Seeing red you just nod and walk away. And when Maria comes into the kitchen to help she turns you around and shakes her head. "And here I thought that you needed a hug."

You turn back to the cabinets and start getting out the stuff to make your garlic bread. You had made three trays of lasagna, a pot of shrimp alfredo, grilled some pesto chicken and there were 3 bowls of salad. Plus the trays of antipasto and Italian cookies as well as some puddings and spumoni ice cream.

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