Stranded and Jealousy

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On leaving the restaurant Jimin and the boys walk to a waiting van. Nam-joon stops as you go to get in. "You should take the other one. He's pretty pissed."

"What?" You ask as you glance in and see Jimin looking out the window shades on his face. "Because I made a joke about my weight?"

Nam-joon nods. And suddenly tired of this you shrug. "Fine."

He climbs in and the first van takes off. Walking to the other van you see that it was misjudged and there's no room for you. Waving away the distressed security you assure him you'll take a taxi and be fine.

When they leave you look around. Great, in a country you've never been, alone.

As your figuring out your next move a voice behind you asks in Korean. "You got stranded? Do you need a ride."

"No thank you." You say in Korean not wanting to be rude but glancing back and then smile at Xiumin's crossed arms and smirk.

"Are you sure? We are staying at the Sofitel Hotel to." He says all this in Korean.

You grin sheepishly and answer. "Yes, a ride back would be nice." Shaking your head you grin.  "When did you figure out that I speak Korean?"

Kai, D.o, and Sehun have joined Xiumin outside. Lay comes walking over with Chen and hears the tail end of your question.

"You kept smiling at things that were being said but you didn't speak Korean. Plus we all like to play pranks on each other. So we figured it out fast." Chen answers.

"Not fast enough," Xiumin says causing you to blush.

"Sorry about that." You say.

He shrugs as their van pulls up. "It's ok. It wasn't a lie." He says glancing at your chest.

The group laughs and slap his shoulders shocked that he just said something again about your breasts.

The guys let you get in first and by some unspoken word Xiumin is left a seat by you. As you depart the guys bombard you with questions.

Where are you from?

How did you get hired?

How old are you?

What kind of food can you make?

You answer all the questions, pull out your phone and show them pictures of your food. To which there are exclamations of the BTS guys being lucky. And how their dance practices burn a lot of calories.

You smile. "Yeah they eat and eat and it doesn't seem to matter."

Next, to you, Xiumin sighs. "Which one are you dating?"

The others gasp. D.o. pushes his shoulder knocking him into you. "You can't ask her that."

Kai says from the back. "Yeah Xiu, she's probably signed a contract."

Turning very red. You shake your head. "I really am their cook."

Xiumin nods. "I believe you are." Pulling up to the hotel and parking the guys start piling out. "So if you are not dating anyone from the group when we get back I would like to see you. Maybe have coffee or dinner?"

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