Don't Assume

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You moan low as he moves inside of you. Pulling out slowly before thrusting back in hard. Every thrust in, he pushes up and makes perfect contact with the bundle of nerves that are threatening to explode.

"I told you I would punish you for all the teasing today." He says pulling out and teasing your clit with the head of his cock. Looking down you glisten and get even wetter and he groans.

Your hands are on his chest, stroking him his torso was as hard as steel. The feel of your fingers was driving him crazy. "What do you want more my tongue on you or my dick in you?" He asks this while making circles on your clit.

Breathlessly your answer. "Your dick. Please put it back in."

"Wrap your legs around me tight." He says as he plunges in again. You wrap them around locking your feet at the ankles.

His mouth is on your breast sucking deeply. Your bodies are a tangled mess. Sweat coming off of both of you. His name has become a mess of words, JiminJiminJimin followed by ohgodohgodohgod.

Your breath shuddered, a quiet moan coming out in wonder at the feelings.  He bites down not so gently on your nipple and your first peak came at an uncontrollable speed, but he keeps going.

His hips pumping in and out at a frantic pace. The first one setting off a chain reaction. You had read and heard about multiple orgasms but always thought the girls were faking.

And that was your last conscious thought. Your eyes rolling back in your head. You completely fall apart. Moaning, yes, no, yes, oh God no more, keep going.

Your not making any sense in your ears. But you don't even care. If he's made a deal with the devil that's fine too. Just don't let these feelings stop.

He coaxes them out of you one after another. Your arms wind slowly around his back your nails digging into his shoulders and up and down his back. His head is against your neck as he pistons in and out, his breath hot against you. "Harder." You tell him.

Slipping his arms under your knees it opens you up so he can go deeper and as you wail out his name he trembles and cums groaning as he bites your neck and then licks it as you shudder and come one more time.

Laying there your body totally languid and relaxed you sigh.

"If I had known it would be that good I would have told you to take me against the wall that first night in the kitchen."

Chuckling as he slips out of you causing you to grimace slightly he walks to the bathroom and hearing him move around and then turn the shower on he comes back. Taking off his pants completely as he smiles at you your breast hanging out, dress up around your waist.

"If I had known I would have put on quite the show for the others. All that wasted time. Stand up please."

You sit up and then stand by him. "Arms up." He says.

You comply and he peels your dress over your head. "Let's shower." He says. And you smile and follow him into the bathroom.

Your alarm wakes you up at 4:55 not your phone but your internal one. Stretching you look over at him and smile. Stroking his hair you sigh thinking of the night before. True to his promise the morning before he had made love to you all night.

And surprisingly you didn't feel tired right now. Quietly leaving the bed on a cool May morning you take a step and wince. Your thigh muscles hurt.

Doing your routine and then picking out some light pink pajama bottoms with Mickey and Minnie all over them. You pair that with a bra and white T-shirt.

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