Death was easier

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Laying there with Jimin's head in your lap as you listen to Luis Fonzi: Despacito, Nam-joon, and Jung-kook watched TV. Every so often Jimin would kiss your leg. It was so nice sitting with him like this.

On those rare occasions, they didn't have to do something. But they had a busy two weeks coming up so a week break was enjoyed by everyone. The problem was there were only 2 days left of it. But they were doing it so those of them with wives and lovers could spend the approaching Valentine's day with them.

The song cuts off and it's Maria's ringtone. Answering you can hear her crying.

"Hold on, calm down. What's going on?"

Jung-kook mutes the tv. And Nam-joon leans forward.

"Wella went to her dialysis appointment and had a heart attack. She's gone."

Tears spring to your eyes. "Oh my God Maria. I'm so sorry. What do you need from me?"

Maria is crying hard and all she can say is my Wella.

"Maria, I love you. Give everyone my love, I'll be there tomorrow."

Maria sniffles and mumbles an ok. And hangs up.

Nam-joon sits there while she tells them what Maria said.

Getting out his phone. "I'll order you a ticket on the first flight I can open-ended return."

"Thank you. I need to pack."

Nam-joon sighs. "I would go with you if I could. But we won't have another break till March. We are just to busy."

Standing you nod. "Maria understands believe me."

"I want to help with the costs." He says.

Shaking your head. "I don't think they would accept. Send flowers, lots of them."

Jimin gets your hand. "I'll help you pack."

As you packed a small carry on Jimin sat on your bed. "I would go with you if I could."

"Babe I know that. And I love you even more for it. I will never expect you to ever just be able to drop everything. I'll be back in 4 days. You guys will be gone but be there for Joon. He's upset he can't be there for her."

Having decided earlier it would be hard to say goodbye at the airport you decided to say goodbye at the house.

In America, you got caught up in seeing friends and helping Maria and her mother. It might as well as been the moon for all the attention you had paid to current events.

The first 2 nights you and Jimin had texted as frequently as you can, check-ins when he got on the plane. On the 3rd day, there was nothing from him. Except for a good morning text. But you knew they had tv shows and music videos they were filming. And you were busy with your own stuff as well.

Four days of hell you thought. As you stepped off what was the longest flight possible. 1 pm now and no phone for hours. Your phone battery had finally gone kaput while waiting for the flight and your charger was either buried or at your mom's.

Getting a hold of a taxi you took it to the house. As you get close there are a lot of people out front. Seeing the cameras flashing at your approaching cab. You watch as security opens the gates and your driven through.

When you get out and walk to the front door it's opened before you can even turn the knob it's opened by a serious Beom-seok.

As you walk in you see your luggage standing by the door. "Is something going on?"

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