No small taste

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{{ Just saying I don't speak Korean so I had to use Google translate for some of the stuff. }}

You sit at the now clean table downstairs and pour yourself a second glass of wine. You had barely touched your dinner and knew to have a second or after taking a sip of the actually very good rosé wine maybe a third might be a mistake.

Feeling lonely you call your mom.

"Hi honey, how are things?" She says on answering.

"They are good." You answer.

Knowing her daughter she walks from the kitchen with two plates of food for lunch and puts one in front of the man sitting there waiting with a smile. She puts a finger to her lips and he nods and starts to eat. Sitting down she asks. "What's wrong?"

Sighing Samantha asks what's on her mind. "Mom I don't want to bring up bad memories. But do you think there is something wrong with me?"

Taking a bite of her food she pauses chewing before asking. "How do you mean Sam?"

"I've always been so concentrated on cooking and my education that I never took the time for fun or boys really. And I'm wondering if that was a mistake."

Her mom sighs but then chuckles. "I know the next morning that you lost your virginity on your birthday. I also know it soured you on guys. You are honestly the perfect mix of your dad and I. I know you blame him for our divorce. But there are two sides to everything. We got along but there wasn't passion between us. The best thing we ever did was make you. But your dad and I didn't do it that way for each other. We both knew the end was coming. I was the one who told him to go and find someone."


"Oh honey, life is so boring without passion. But we both didn't want to upset you and your schoolwork and we were right you didn't handle it well even after turning 19 so we were right to wait."

"Wait so you told Dad to have an affair?"

Her mom sighs. "Well yes, I did. And I've been seeing someone myself for the last 4 months. Phillip is charming and what I wanted to find for my life. He's here eating lunch right now."

Samantha is quiet on the other end and her mom waits before saying. "I won't apologize for being happy and honestly your father shouldn't have to either. He took the blame because it was easier than hearing that your parents had made the decision to move on from a passionless marriage. We always will love each other. But Samantha we sent you away to live. Go be a young woman and have an adventure. Take a lover or 2. Put some of that passion from your cooking into something else."

"That's kind of why I was calling. I like this guy out here. And I'm nervous."

"Is he cute?"

"Mom cute doesn't even cover it. He's beautiful, very flirty and seductive. But there's a couple of other guys I like to."

"Are they interested to?"

"Maybe." You mumble.

"Well, you know the saying. There's a lot of fish in the sea.'

Samantha sighs. "Or the pool. Are you telling me to be a hoe mom?"

Her mom laughs. "I don't know if hoe is the right word."

And Samantha can hear a man's laughter in the background.

"That's him?"

"Yes." Your mom answers. "He makes me very happy. And you should find someone who makes you happy too. Even if you have to go through a couple of guys to find that one."

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