Little Big Problems

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So I need to put a warning here. If you are easily upset about certain things please maybe gloss over the first part of this chapter. I don't want to spoil it for others but you can always DM me for info before reading it. I hope you enjoy it no matter what.

As the boys kept climbing in popularity and things were always a whirlwind now. You were busy planning Lucas's second birthday as well. And Jimin was super excited so was Lucas and finding Paw Patrol decorations had proved easier than you thought. And as you parked and walked to the house Lucas ran ahead of you with his new car you had bought him. The front door was open as usual which meant the guys had taken off because the staff were forever leaving it. 

Lucas was running around yelling Tios and you dropped your bags off inside and then ran back out to get the rest of your packages. And when you walked in again you closed the door. Grabbing your haul just as Maria strolled in sweat on her brow and fanning herself. 

"Oh good I was just coming to close it. Do you need some help?" 

Handing over a light bag to her she follows you into the kitchen and you guys make small talk about the birthday plans. And as she smiles and pats her belly she says. "I can't wait to celebrate my baby's first birthday. Did you put him down for his nap or did he sleep in the car?"

"The car. Wait, he didn't go in with you guys?" Suddenly panicked you start calling Lucas' name and Maria is jogging after you. Angie comes out with Jin ai and suddenly all the women are frantic not hearing even a giggle and suddenly you feel a chill and stop. 

Running to the back door the girls hot on your trail the sliding door is open and as you run outside you scream seeing the floating object that is your son. Jumping in you turn him over and Min-ju is in the pool with you and it's a bustle of activity as Jen ai is on the phone with Emergency and Maria is crying as she watches you start cpr. 

Yeonjun and Huening Kai, having heard the screams come out and taking it all in, have pulled out their own phones and are making phone calls. 

And as you go through the motions of what you had learned and keep pushing up and down and then breathing you hear Angie beside you drop to her knees and start praying in spanish asking her Wella to help. 

Maria's hand goes to her sisters shoulder and as they both pray and you breathe into Lucas' mouth again you choke as your mouth is filled with water and his chest starts moving. Crying and coughing and coming back you gather him closely and sobs rack your body. 

As you sit there and everyone's breath is coming back to normal you see Yeonjun frowning. 

"Jimin Hyung yelled at me. Said they are busy and he can't be interrupted. I tried to explain it was about Lucas and the pool but he said to tell you."

Kai looks up from his phone. "I called Namjoon Hyung he was terse to. He said they didn't have time for things and the women could handle it."

Jen ai sits down staring at the pool. "I'm glad that the new place the pool is not as accessible. If that was Hobi I would probably divorce him."

"This is the part of their business I hate. If there was an emergency. If someone is dying we have to wait. Oh okay I'll die slowly for you then." 

You chuckle but it sounds so sad. "The ambulance is coming. They will want to check Lucas. I don't want anyone to mention this to them. They have a lot on their plates. I don't want to be responsible for their heads being messed up." You look at Yeonjun and Kai. "Your most ultimate promise and you get to pick the dinners for two weeks."

Kai shakes his head. "Breakfast too because this is very big."

"Deal." You agree.

And you feel a little better after Lucas is shown to be okay and you promise if he breathes weird or coughs too much. Any change in behavior and you are to bring him in.

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