Just Okay

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Walking to the table you sit down and watched as they all served themselves. Finally, Yoon-gi stops eating and looks at you. "Aren't you having any?"

"Not tonight." You answer.

"Why?" They all ask as one.

"I had a small piece when they were done. I love food so I try to watch my intake. I used to be a chubby kid." You say.

Ho-seok looks at you. "But you are skinny. You look nice. You should eat more."

As you open your mouth to answer him, Jimin speaks. "It's hard to tell someone what they should do with food and eating."

You remember that Jimin has been dieting because of the things people are saying about him. "You look great to me." You say to him causing you to blush and look down. The other guys are chuckling but when you look up Jimin is smiling at you and winks.

The boys help you to clear their plates. Jung-kook wipes the table and you finish loading the dishes up. They each say thank you and stand in the kitchen.

Pulling your phone out you say "Is there a way we can do a group chat so that I can get some suggestions for meals you like. Snacks you might want me to get and keep on hand?"

Jin gets your phone and swipes up. "No lock screen?"

"Nothing to keep hidden." You say.

Nodding he swipes through your apps and brings up a messaging app. "We all have this one." He looks around and finds what he wants and requests to be added.

Nam-joon's phone dings and opening it he clicks the requests. "Now you are added to our group chat. We will send you things as we think. And you can text us there anytime you want to."

Jin hands your phone back and they all thank you again. As you leave the kitchen some of the guys take the elevator but Jimin, Jung-kook, and Tae-Hyung all walk up the stairs with you.

They talk about being tired and wanting to sleep as you follow them down the hallway leading to your rooms. In your socks and on the carpet you want to play a small prank on Jimin for his naughty thoughts. Reaching out you touch his arm causing a spark.

Jimin yelps and the other boys laugh. Kicking off their house shoes they run around on the carpet getting momentum and shocking each other. Then as one they turn and look at you. Running fast the three of them reach out to you and you squeal running away. Tripping you fall on your face.

Jung-kook reaches you first. "Oh I'm sorry, are you ok?"

Shaking your head and sitting on your butt you smile. "I'm terribly embarrassed."

Tae-Hyung smiles. "It's all right Jimin is always falling. Well all of us really. Don't be embarrassed."

Jimin reaches out his hand and you get it. He pulls you up and you stumble a little bit against him. Looking up into his eyes you both blink. You breathe deeply in his scent and man does he smell good.

Jung-kook laughs, "Hey Jimin she still has to cook for us."

Jimin nods and releases your hand. "Goodnight Samantha." Watching as he walks three steps to the door marked as his.

"Jimin? You're the one who likes to get up early?"

He doesn't look back but he nods.

"Do you like french toast or pancakes better?" You ask.

Still not turning he answers. "I like pancakes with butter and warm syrup."

Smiling you say. "If you give me a smile I'll make them with sausage and bacon."

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