moving on...or not?

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When they return three days later things you have kept super busy and it's helped. Walking in the smells makes their mouths water and they walk into the kitchen. Standing at the stove they come closer and you smile. Seems like this group of guys is the same as, and you let your thoughts drop.

"I made my grandmother's beef stroganoff. You can eat it with rice or noodles which I made both. I have a salad, garlic bread, and for dessert, I made chocolate fudge cake."

They all have wide eyes and you turn back to stir what's in the pot. "Go clean up if you need to, dinner is in 20 and then we can talk."

After everyone's eaten it's obvious to them all that you had just moved the food around on your plate. You stand and ask Sehun to get the milk. And when he does and returns you start to speak.

"I wanted to say I appreciate you letting me work and stay here. But I need one more favor from you."

You have passed the cake around and as Chen has taken the first bite he smiles. "Whatever your favor we will do."

Nodding you smile slightly. "Ok, this is a." You grimace and take a deep breath. "I don't want to hear about them. I understand your friends but I don't want to hear anything about them. Ever."

The guys all nod silently. "Ok enjoy your dessert. I'm going to turn in."

As she walks away Suho shakes his head. "It's good that she's not alone. She seems very angry."

It's Xiumin who's angry a month later and he doesn't care who knows.

"You never eat your wasting away. Over some jer-."

Staring at him your eyes have dark circles, your face has thinned out. You shower but because of no eating, your hair hangs limp and dull.

You continue to not say anything and he stalks back and forth in front of the couch you sitting between Lay, and Suho who have their arms around you. Having just passed out and waking up with 9 concerned faces around was mortifying.

"We have all been aware that you are not eating and depressed. But enough Samantha. You have two options. You start eating or we admit you to the hospital for treatment. At this point, if they shove a feeding tube down you I don't care."

Sehun tsks. "Hyung she needs time."

"Time? Time! It's been a month." He gets down in front of you and when you look at him he touches your face. "Do you plan to die for him? Have him mourn you and plead to the heavens for forgiveness?"

Shaking your head you speak with tears in your eyes. "I loved him."

"You say that past tense. If you loved him then you still do. But making yourself sick does nothing. You're young you could fall in love again." Xiumin says.

Chen coughs and Baekhyun eyes wide starts talking to Kai about dinner. Everyone is aware of what he means.

You sigh. "Ok I do still love him, and it's over and I need to let it go."

Suho hums let it go and you smile. "I'm going to make some tea and toast." All the guys jump up and run around to get you some food.

The months progress and you are healthy again. Your birthday had come and passed and they had all given you cute little gifts and catered dinner for you.

There were still bad nights. October 12th had been hard and that night Xiumin had come into you and held you while you cried and slept.

You weren't sure exactly how it had happened but after that, your eyes had caught each other more. And you found a couple of times flirting with him easy.

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