Onions are hard

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The next day the house is a bustle of activity glad for the help you're able to concentrate on food and delegate to Jin and Min-ju. The way they laugh and joke you can really see how they are a total match. They are always touching and kissing each other and it's sweet.

The people arrive at 11 to set up tents, warmers, and tables and chairs. Suddenly worried if you're crazy. 100 people for Thanksgiving. This wasn't even their holiday and everyone was excited.

Between all the food you were preparing and the additional order of Korean fried chicken and BBQ. You still had those veggie platters, seafood trays, and appetizers that would be consumed.

Heading back in you direct Jimin to stir the spinach dip and stop standing around. Swatting at Yoon-gi's hand as he reaches to grab a cookie that Maria is cooling. "Hey, those are for tomorrow. You are supposed to be putting those napkins into napkin rings. And I don't want them greasy."

Looking at a sitting Nam-joon and into his discard bowl as he peels onions he drops one and stutters on purpose. "Ma'am, I would like to report that I have 2 bags done and while my fingers are numb. I have made sure to peel only one or two layers off."

Rolling your eyes and then glaring at the others who snicker you walk off mumbling about "Where's Jung-kook?"

Jin laughs. "She's tougher than Keone was during rehearsals for Dope and Fire."

Yoon-gi grabs a cookie but with a napkin, taking a bite he puts it down and grabs more napkins. "Fire was a piece of cake, compared to holiday Samantha. I used to think she was so sweet."

Maria laughs when she hears a raised voice from upstairs. "By tomorrow she will be calmer." Looking at Jimin who is leaning on the fridge she points at him. "If she sees you relaxing on an undesignated break no amount of ass-kissing will help."

Jimin raises his eyebrows. "I don't know she seemed to lik-"

Walking in the kitchen a smiling but chastised Jung-kook walks over to the counter. "Today is not a day to clean my room."

"Cleaning your room?" You ask.

"Or play video games and listen to music." He amends.

Jimin jumps away from the fridge. When her eyes go to him. "Babe what can I help with now?"

When Yoon-gi whispers ass kisser. He gets popped in the back and laughs.

"Open those cans please," Samantha says while pointing to the island.

Jimin's eyes open wide. There's easily 50 cans there.

"All of them?"

"Oh I'll just do tha-" You say but he trots over and grabs the opener.

"No, it's ok. I'll do it. Next to singing and dancing and the ability to breath opening cans is my favorite."

Nodding you look at Jung-kook who is smiling. "What are you grinning at?"

Saluting you he looks at Nam-joon. "Byeong Jeon Jeong-guk reporting for duty Hyung."

{{{ Byeong means private for the military }}}

Everyone laughs including Samantha.

"I'm going to grab some more platters and tubs for the cookies, Maria, then they can be stacked out of the way till we need to refill."

"Babo." Nam-joon says to a grinning Jung-kook when she leaves. "Get a chair and help then."

{{{ Babo is stupid }}}

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