Light it up

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So just a quick note some of the goings on in BTS schedule I have tried to google and have it match so just if it's something you have heard differently. Reach out and I can edit it.

As the guys got ready to release their new song Dynamite in August the last week of July was a killer. The heat was slowly driving you all crazy. Especially the very highly hormonal pregnant women. The a/c couldn't be cool enough and it never stayed cool enough as people were going in and out all the time and forgetting to close the doors. They seemed to think a baby gate kept the cool in.

The guys were super busy with prep and had been doing lots of Vlives. They had less than 3 months until Yoongi was going in for shoulder surgery on November 3rd and the guys were working overtime with practices and ready to shoot their music video.

Which seemed to be perfect as one night you put a humongous platter of beef bulgogi out with sides and Angie burst into tears.

"I wanted fried chicken. Yoongi you promised me." She pushes the heels of her hands against her eyes and continues to cry bug deep sobs.

Maria stares at a shocked open mouth Suga. Who blinks as the food he was about to eat just wiggles in front of him. "I will order some now."

Gulping she puts her hands down. "Yes of course now that I'm upset. It doesn't matter anymore."

Yoongi nods and takes a bite and shrugs. "Okay."

Maria reaches across and pats her sister's hand. "Are you okay?"

Angie nods and then looks at Yoongi. "Yes I guess, I will be." Getting a little upset at him still eating and wanting to shake him up she smiles. "I'll be fine, Yoongi will be able to change diapers by then."

He smiles and shakes his head. "No babe that's why they have parents. Hobi and Namjoon will be changing their diapers."

She stares at him as the table is quiet except for the sound of his chewing until he finally stops, starts choking and pointing at her. Then her stomach. She slaps his back and nods.

His eyes are huge and gulping water everyone has their eyes on him and a collective sigh goes up as he jumps up. "I'm going to be a dad! Get some champagne!"

Angie smiles as he kisses her and hugs and Jungkook runs to the kitchen and back. The pregnant women are all allowed to have a tiny amount and toasts are issued and Yoongi is cuddled close to Angie.

As Jungkook sips his second glass he looks at Jin and says "Your next Hyung."

Jin laughs and looks at his girlfriend. "No, we are being very careful. Maybe when I get back from my enlistment and we are married."

She nods. "Not that we aren't happy for everyone. We just want to wait a little longer."

"When I have a girlfriend she isn't allowed to drink the water here until I'm 30." Jungkook says while laughing.

And the next day as a way to keep the women composed and level you started up a yoga for pregnant women. But Minju joins in too and suddenly it becomes a twice a day thing. And Namjoon thanks you more than once and you are touched at the end of week one when Hobi, Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi come to you with a small wrapped box and inside is a charm for your bracelet with real stones. It's the birth months of Maria, Angie, Jin-ai, & Minju.

Namjoon speaks. "When our children are all born we will get another for you with their birth months and when more children are born by more of us and stuff we will replace it. You women not only need each other but have gotten close. Jin-ai is always helping Maria and Angie with their Korean. And I know Minju helps you in the kitchen a lot."

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