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{{ Just a heads up I will most likely be stopping this story at Chapter 35. I have been busy with work and things. But thanks to the people reading this. Please like and comment. }}

Your mom came home and all happy, in love and married you put a smile on your face. She didn't need to know anything because as far as she knew you and Jimin had been broken up.

And after 4 messages going unanswered from Xiumin you felt a sense of dread. So telling your mom you were headed back home you ubered to the airport and got on your flight.

When you arrived and took a cab to the house you walked in and it was eerily quiet. As you passed one of the caretakers was walking through carrying towels from the laundry.

"Hello, where is everyone?"

"They have taken off this morning for some shows and events."

"Oh, ok thank you."

Walking to your room you enter and by your nightstand is an envelope with your name. Sitting down you open it and read.

I know you have been trying to text and call me, but I don't trust myself to communicate except for this way for now. I know that Jimin was with you over Christmas.

I know that there are feelings involved and I'm going to give you time to decide what you want. If you want to be with him then there will be no hard feelings.

If you choose me we will be back on the 23rd and we can work through this. I want to be with you. But I don't want to be a second choice or what you settle for. So if your there please make sure that this decision is the one you really want to make.

Reading it through a second time you hold it to your chest and curling into a ball on the bed you cry your heart out. Knowing you needed to make the right decision.

On New Year's Eve Maria sends you a picture of her hand with Nam-joons and the words I said yes. And you're genuinely happy for her.

On the 23rd Xiumin climbs out of the van in front of the house with the others and sighs. They are quiet as well. Everyone was aware of what had happened and we're on Xiumin's side. They were here to support him no matter what. All were aware that you hadn't moved out so they knew he was happy but sad as well.

Walking in Xiumin looks around and can hear sounds from the kitchen. He follows the noise and hearing footsteps you turn at the sound.

You both stare at each other and as tears come to your eyes you speak. "I'm so sorry." You say.

Xiumin nods. "He said he wouldn't bother you again. Will you be bothering him? Are you really done?"

Not trusting your voice as it cracks when you try to answer. "Yes." You finally manage to get out.

Clearing your throat you choke the next words. "I don't care about him. These tears aren't for him."

"For who then?" He whispers.

"You. I never wanted to hurt you. And I know I did. You have been patient with me. And I'm not saying words that are hasty. But I care for you and I hope in time it will be more."

Xiumin looks at you and walking close he lets you close the distance and taking you in his arms he says against your cheek. "I can't blame you for sleeping with him. Maybe you needed closure and if you did then I'll be glad you got it if it brought you to these realizations."

You nod and not being able to help it you start to sob. "You are to nice to me. I don't deserve you."

Pulling back he looks at you. "I told you before your still young. I understand why because you loved him. Do you still?"

About to shake your head no you halt. "I wish I could say no. But there might be something there in the back of my mind always. He's my first love. But I don't care for him the way I used to."

Xiumin sighs and shrugs his shoulder. "I can accept that. I will because I understand it. But I will only forgive this one time. I won't be in the middle, or someone you can be with when he's been a jerk. Okay?"

Putting your arms around his neck you kiss him gently. "He won't be an issue, I will never pick him over you again."

That night he makes love to you gently and so tenderly and your happy and content and you feel cherished.

All the stress of the last few weeks has been getting to you and as soon as you serve the guys breakfast the next day you decide to go back to bed as soon as they go to practice.

A couple of days later you're in the kitchen making dinner. Your earphones in singing along to a song that is a favorite from one of the movies you have always liked.

Barbara Streisand & Bryan Adams: Finally found someone

You say the males part but belt out the females part. And when it's over you turn and jump startled as Xiumin, Sehun, and Chen are standing there open-mouthed.

"What?" You ask.

Chen just shakes his head. "I think we never realized just how good you really are."

Which is why you were more surprised a couple of days later when you found yourself in a recording studio headphones on, singing with the boys. The song you had sung a couple of days before was now a mix of Korean and English.

Taking turns with each of the members you sang of love and finding someone. And it was extraordinary. Two weeks later you threw up upon hearing your song on the radio.

And in a whirlwind you found yourself going with the guys on radio interviews and TV shows promoting you're rising up the charts hit.

In February you were backstage with EXO you were at the Olympic stadium a bundle of nerves as you finally putting a hand to your stomach and running to the bathroom you threw up. Just knowing Jimin and BTS was in the building was making you sick. What was going on? You weren't a pop star? How did this happen?

Coming out of the bathroom. Suho was standing there with a travel toothbrush kit. Taking it from him he stands there while you brush and gargle hurriedly. "If this is too nerve-wracking Xiumin is going to make you stop."

"I'm fine, it's just the first time in such a big place."

Suho nods and walks with you back to where the others are waiting and finishing getting dressed. The guys are wearing black suit pants with some embellishments, white shirts, some have jackets, some have ties. You are wearing a black dress with rhinestones.

As A-teez leaves the stage and the mc goes to announce the next performers being you guys. A hush comes over and BTS steps from the back. Xiumin stiffens beside you and wanting to reassure him you get his hand and link your fingers with his.

As the guys all exchanged pleasantries you feel a body on your right and glance over to see Jungkook staring down at you smiling. "Hi, Noona."

Smiling back. "Hello, Kookie. You being good?"

He shrugs and chuckles. "Mostly." Then he sighs. "I miss you. We all do. You guys didn't consider us."

Your smile goes down. "Maybe we can have lunch soon. Those who want to."

Jung-kook beams. "Most of us would love that. We aren't mad at you."

"Good, then text me and let's work on something."

Ho-seok comes over and as you watch him walking you see Jimin glance and then look away. Hobi hugs you. "Your song is wonderful. We are very proud of you."

Smiling at him. "You guys too. Your mic drop remix has been blowing up. I'm very proud of you guys too."

Xiumin squeezes your hand. "It's time."

Nodding you smile at all the guys in turn, as Jimin stares at the floor. Walking past the curtains a weight feels lifted and a chapter finally closed.

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