Sundaes after dark

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Present time again at the dining table

As Jimin kisses your hand and the boys put their stuff away you whisper. "I'm going to take a shower. When I come out would you like to walk around outside with me?"

Smiling at you Jimin kisses your fingers one by one and licks the tip of your pinkie. "A shower sounds nice."

Nodding as you watch him swirl his tongue around and then suck on it you think that yes a shower sounds nice. Why would you want to walk?

Seeing your thoughts he kisses your forehead. "You go shower we will clean up tonight. What man wouldn't enjoy walking with a beautiful woman?"

You roll your eyes as standing. "Now I see why you wear glasses at times. I'm not that pretty you probably have girls a thousand times better than me wanting you. I'm starting to question your judgment." You say this while laughing falsely. "I'll see you in 20 by my room, you can just come in."

When she walks away Jimin huff's looking at the other guys. "What's wrong with her? She makes these comments a lot."

Tae-Hyung shrugs. "Some girls don't see their worth."

Jin shakes his head. "No some girls haven't been made to see their worth. Even her mom made it seem like she hasn't had boyfriend's."

Ho-seok nods. "I always tell Jin Ae that she is beautiful and things I like about her. Maybe Samantha hasn't had that?"

In your room, you stand in your towel and look at one of your new underwear sets. Not that he's going to see it now. But you have a plan to maybe see if he will later. But your not sure about white or black.

Thinking you finally make your decision and put those on as well your navy blue Adidas shorts and matching white shirt with navy writing. Spritzing a new scent you got today on you hear a knock on your door. Deciding to put your plans into action a little you open the door.

Jimin's standing there in grey sweats and a form-fitting white tank. Both of you are looking at each other, and getting his hand you bring him in. "Go ahead and sit while I finish putting my hair up."

Sitting on your bed he bounces up and down and notices it doesn't creak much.

Humming from the other room you twirl your hair around and secure it with some jeweled sticks you got today. Walking to your dresser in front of the bed, you take your time getting socks knowing his gaze is on your ass. So you hum and shake your butt a little.

Jimin clears his throat. "Samantha, you tease me?"

Turning around you smile at him. "A little." You walk closer and sit on the bed pulling on your socks. "Is that ok?"

Standing up he stretches and his abs show through his white shirt. His crotch is at eye level with your face. "It's ok. Is it okay with you?"

You sigh and push on his stomach lightly and he moves back. "Let me get my shoes and go for that walk."

Jimin smiles as her cheeks are pink and her breathing is deeper. "Ok let's walk."

You walk around the grounds alone for hours watching as the lights in the house and rooms turn on and off. The sky turns from a pale blue to that dark twilight that is made for kisses and couples.

With no one around your able to open up and discuss your childhood dreams, on growing up. What you would have done if not in your career paths.

Holding hands, you stop and pull him down beside you on the grass. He lays out with his head in your lap.

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