A unexpected journey

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So it's been a very long time since I have written fan fiction. But BTS has inspired me to do so again. I like all the boys but Jimin is my favorite. This will be NC-17 later so just a fair warning. Hope you enjoy. My timeline starts in May 2016 and I'll be true music-wise to the guys. But other songs from other artists will be all over the place.

(Cover Art by itsmev_griffin) thank you again hun!

Samantha took off her headphones and concentrated her aqua blue eyes at her mom who was trying to get her attention. You could hear Khalid Location still and you clicked pause on your phone.

"What's up Mom?"

"We need to talk Hun."

You followed your mom over to the couch and sat down.

"I'm not going to pretend that it hasn't been hard since your dad left and that you haven't been upset. But your 20 and you are never going to make it as a chef if you don't get out there and actually do something. So I talked to your dad and he's agreed that a year abroad will be best for you."

You can barely breathe you have dreamed for years of traveling. Your passport has one stamp to Mexico that you had gotten on your senior class trip. Your most dreamed of place to go was Korea. You had saved up at 14 and got Rosetta Stone to learn Korean.

"Where am I going?" You asked.

"Your dad talked to his boss at work, and they have a contract with some of the Korean bands shifting to America. And he got you a job with some band it's cooking on days they are around, entertaining for their parties, shopping. Stuff you can handle for room and board, not to mention the experience."

You jumped up, your blond hair bouncing in the ponytail. "I don't care what work and who it's for. When do I leave?"

Sitting on the plane the next evening. A pillow behind your head getting comfortable you signed up for wifi the plane provided and got to work studying about the music group you would be working for. K-pop.

Being obsessed with Korea you knew about K-pop but hadn't followed it really. Googling their name you were shocked to see how many sites there were about them. You clicked on one of the songs links that took you to youtube.

Boy in Luv. You bopped your head along and found yourself enjoying the song. Being able to understand both English and Korean lyrics you were pleasantly surprised when the song ended.

Watching their dance moves you found yourself watching the video a second time and doing some of the moves, still as you could in your seat.

When you had complained at 12 about being fat your mom said no you're not fat just not that active but we can change that if you want and you had been enrolled in dance classes. Hip hop, pop, R&B and contemporary being your favorite.

Going back to Google you started reading up on the guys you would be feeding.

13 hours later you stepped off your flight. You had barely slept. Once you had started googling them and listening to their music. Then all the fan-made YouTube videos you were now a convert and could see why people were such fans.

You had even changed your mom and dad's ringtones to your favorite BTS songs. No more Dream was nice and well that one guys abs were impressive, Jimin that was his name. Being in the top 10. Just one day was really good. But Danger highlighted all their voices. Dope the dancing skills were on another level. And their newest song Fire. That video was literally fire.

For You would be the one you'd give a boyfriend if you ever started dating that was. It was 8 am but you weren't even tired you were so excited.

Waiting around you gathered your huge rollaway suitcase and shifted your carry on. Your mom had told you that there would be a car waiting for you. And as you walked around you saw a group of people holding signs and walked over to the man who pulled out his phone looking at it and then you.

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