Thanksgiving and a wedding

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That night after you shred the turkey necks apart to get the meat inside for the stuffing you add the mean to the bags with onions, water chestnuts, and celery.

Taking all your cartons of chicken broth from the cupboard you put them on the counter next to the wine.

Hearing raised voices you crook your head and follow the sounds on socked feet to the dance studio.

Hearing Jimin's voice you stop. "I think we should do a dance, a song, a dance, and a song."

You sigh. They are really trying.

Jung-kook says. "Yeah Noona likes the fast stuff but she gets all starry-eyed with the soft songs."

"Well what songs you guys know her better," Xiumin says.

"We could sin-" Jungkook starts to say. But Jimin cuts him off.


The next thing you know Jimin's head pokes out glaring. Followed by Jung-kook smiling and Nam-joon shaking his. "How did you know I was here?"

Jimin shrugs and blushes. "I felt you."

You smirk and walk in the room. "I was busy and heard raised voices." Looking at the whole room. You shrug and go to the notebook kept on the side. Sitting you are writing. "I'm going to list my favorite songs, dancing and otherwise. And since you're going to this trouble. I'll sing a song to."

Ho-seok bounces. "Oh, this will be very good then. We will work extra hard."

Jung-kook sighs. "Noona two songs please?"

Baekhyun nudges him. "She can sing?"

Jung-kook nods. "Wait till you hear."

Chanyeol sighs. "Jimin must have been very good in his life."

Nam-joon shakes his head. "All right we aren't going to disappoint her. We need some supplies though. Who's up for a trip to the store? It can't be Jimin, Ho-seok, or Kai. They need to come up with the dances."

Suga laughs. "Well I figured you, Sehun, Chanyeol and I can write a couple of raps."

RM nods. "I want Jung, Chen, Xiumin, and Baekhyun in vocals."

Jin stands up and Suho does too. "Write what you need we will get it." Suho says.

Late that night as you went outside to put some more trays of food in the fridge. Staring up at the festive lights you had turned on you smiled.

Turning as you heard a noise Jimin walks in the tent. Smiling at you he walks toward you and kisses you. "You look beautiful under these lights. I was looking for you. It's very late."

"Yeah, I was just finishing up."

He chuckles. "And what time are you getting up?"

"Six-thirty." You answer and at his raised eyebrow you shake your head. "Ok five-thirty."

"I have something for you." He says and at his gulp, you blink.

Reaching into his sweats he pulls out a black box. "I know how important this holiday is and I want it to be special. Forever."

He opens it and you look down. "I love you. And I want you to know that my intention is to marry you someday."

He lifts the ring from the box. It's on a chain. "I wanted you to be able to wear it no matter what. I know you don't wear anything on your hands. Especially cooking. So I wanted it to be close to your heart always."

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