A call to America

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You get out of bed and take a quick shower washing the earlier sweat off of you and your hair. When you look in the mirror you notice you still have shadows under your eyes you dig in your makeup bag and fix your face a little. Now that you have a more than friend it's fun to look cute.

Combing your hair you part it and put it into two braids. Looking at your clothes you realize you really need some more choices on your wardrobe.  

Going downstairs in your floral romper

and bare feet you put your sandals by the front door

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and bare feet you put your sandals by the front door. After lunch is served you are going to run out to the local mall and do a little shopping. Your dad had set up a charge card and gave you money each month but you had never touched it playing the martyr. But now you were happy to have it. And you promised that tomorrow you were going to call him.

Turning the speaker on and clicking play on your phone you set it down.

Imagine Dragons: Whatever it takes

Pulling out some mustard, mayonnaise, and horseradish you add these to a bowl and mixed the ingredients.

Slicing onions and garlic you sauteed those up. Getting out the roast beef sliced and cheddar as well as swiss you decide to add some ham and bacon leftover from breakfast.

You build the sandwiches and check the time. So you start grilling the sandwiches in the huge press you dug out of the pantry. There was a ton of gadgets in there and you planned on utilizing them all.

Zayn: Let me

2 sandwiches each for the boys. 1 each for the staff with a couple of extra. 21 sandwiches don't seem like too many.

You hear the boys coming as they are kind of loud sometimes.

Taking a tray of sandwiches out Jimin stands and pulls your chair out causing you to smile. Putting the sandwiches on the sideboard they all rush to get some. Nam-joon is first back to his seat and biting into the ham and swiss he groans around his food. "Mmm so good." It sounds more like mmsogod but you caught it.

Jimin sits with his plate. "You look very nice."

You smile and blush. "Thank you."

He takes a bite and his eyes light up. "Oh very good. Orbys?"

"I love Arby's." You say. Looking at Nam-joon "they don't have one out here do they?"

He shakes his head. "No, but I heard they will be in a couple of years."

Ho-seok "It's better than Arby's but no sweet sauce?"

"Oh yeah, the Bronco berry sauce. Next time." You tell him and he smiles.

Yoon-gi chews and swallows. "The toasting them that adds much flavor."

"Thank you." Your eyes well up as you realize you made your dad's favorite sandwich and you've been an ass to him.

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