A change has come

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Putting your hands on his arms to try to push him away as his mouth assaults you. You finally give in to his kiss. And when he pulls away and stares at you your lips swollen and red you shake your head.

"Ok, so you want me. Sex has never been a problem between us. We could do it right now and it wouldn't change anything between us."

At Jimin's raised eyebrow you snort. "Yeah we'd both get off but I have Lucas to think of now. And I don't have time for a one night stand."

Jimin looks up sharply from where he has been studying your legs. "Do you have a man around my son?"

"God your jealousy is unparalleled. Even if I did that's not your business."

Finally letting his temper go he points his finger at you. "Let's get something straight baby. My son is my business. And now that I know I have one I intend on being a part of his life. So get that through that hard head of yours "

He opens the door. "After you jagiya."

Getting out and feeling a little angry you retort. "I'm not your love Jimin so get that in your hard head."

You walk into the Hall you, stalking and him walking cooly behind. He walks over to his friends and you walk over to Maria, Angie, and your mom who is holding Lucas until he sees you and starts with ma, ma, ma.

Grabbing him and putting him on your hip you glance at Jimin and then away.

"So what happened?" Maria asks as your mom goes to her table.

"We talked about Lucas and then he kissed me."

Angie smiles and you glare at her. "I'm not starting with him again."

When they both laugh you roll your eyes.

The party progresses and pictures are taken. As the food is ready to be served you sit at the head table next to Maria on her right and of course, Jimin has sat next to you. You're about to cut into your steak when you hear "MA!"

Lucas is running from your dad and you wave him off as Lucas runs to you and climbs on your lap. Adjusting your position you cut a small bite and feed it to him and feeling Jimin's eyes on you and him you turn and taking a small bite for yourself you chew and then speak. "Mommy wants you to meet a friend of hers. This is Jimin. Can you say hi?"

Lucas looks up from where he has been stabbing the meat on the plate with a fork and smiles. He waves and says. "Hi. Eat." Then offering the meat on the fork to a smiling Jimin who leans forward and takes the bite.

"Hello. Thank you." Jimin says as he chews.

Lucas reaches in the leg of his pants and pulls out a stuffed dog. "Gae." He says in Korean.

Jimin looks at you and, smiling at Lucas who hands the dog to him. "Yes, dog. It's very nice."

Lucas climbs out of your lap and into Jimin's. Chattering as little boys do. In the nicest tones, Jimin says to you. "I don't care what you say you have robbed me of a lot with him. And I won't allow you to take any more of my time away from him."

Later as you sit while everyone's been dancing and heading off as the night winds down for some Jimin comes over and sits beside you again.

"So what have you been up to besides raising our son?"

"I work at Restaurant not too far from where we live. And I cater on the side and people cash app me. My mom watches Lucas and he's in daycare. That's it. I'm doing good financially. My life revolves around him." Looking up at him suddenly scared. "I know you have the money and could. But please don't take him from me!"

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