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The week before Thanksgiving you were sure that Jimin had a handle on things better. You made sure to cook more of his favorites so he would be sure to eat. But served more vegetables and fruits because you knew with the holidays dieting would cease to exist.

Maria would be taking off from SFO in two days and RM had just last week moved his old bed out for a new bigger mattress and bed.

As you beat the mix for chocolate chip cookies you looked at your flavorings and let your thoughts roam. Deciding on rum flavoring, toasted coconut chips and chopped pecans you added those to the mix and put the dough in a Ziploc bag and in the freezer.

After doing up some dishes you move your neck from side to side. And feeling the need for some exercise you take your phone and walk to the dance room.

Sometimes the house was so quiet but the peace could be a nice change from the whirlwind when the guys were there.

As you go through your playlist you debated on a chocolate dough, with cherry flavors, dried cherries, chopped toasted almonds, and extra dark chips would be interesting and Kookie would like them.

Stretching your arms and legs you push play and get into position and let the music fill you up.

Flume & Kai: Never be like you

The song is slow and picks up a little bit in pieces. It's perfect for warming up your muscles.

In the van headed back to the house Nam-joon's phone goes off. Seeing Samantha dancing wearing leggings and a big sweatshirt. He hands his phone to Jimin who smiles and watches then hands the phone back to RM.

As they pull into the driveway he jumps out and not feeling any of the tired he did earlier trots up the stairs and into the house and heading down the hall he slowly walks in.

Hearing the music he slowly peeks around the corner and smiles.

Ciara: One, Two Step

He watches as you dance and move around to the music. When that song ends you grab your water and down half and when you stop you see Jimin standing there and smile. Running over to him you hug each other.

"I know it's only been 10 days but I missed you." You say your head resting against his shoulder.

"I missed you too babe. I'm glad we only have 3 more days of work and then we get to celebrate your American holiday."

Squeezing him right you kiss his neck lightly. "Me too, food and friends. It's my favorite hol-"

"Holiday. Yes, I think you mentioned that."

The music has changed again as you stand there. And he pulls back and looks at you. "This song is old, no?"

"Yes." You say laughing.

Bee Gees: more than a woman

Spinning you out he brings you back and into his arms. Dancing you around the studio. You're surprised. "I didn't know you could dance like this too."

He chuckles and dips you back and then up again. "When it's slow like this it's like making love."

"I know you know how to do that well."

Your left hand in his right as you move around, his left hand pressed tightly in the small of your back holding you in place your waists are locked together. His cheek is pressed against yours and he leans in and kisses your neck, "Just well?"

Smiling you move your hands and lock them around his neck, swaying to the music you grind against him feeling hard already. "I don't remember it's been ten whole days."

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