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You can only stare at him as he opens the door for you and you enter and he trails behind you. You're so shocked you are startled to see a twinkling-eyed Baekhyun and Suho. "Wow, Oh my God." You say as you get hugs from both of them. Not realizing that you have been slowly edged to where a bench is you sit as they push Xiumin who sits next to you. 

"We'll meet up with you later Xiu," Baekhyun says as they wave and walk off. 

Staring at you for a minute he finally speaks. "How have you been?"

"I have been okay. How about you? You're almost done with your enlistment?"

"Yes, I'll be leaving a little bit earlier than anticipated. I have been okay as well. Just busy. When did you come back to Korea?"

Sighing as you speak. "February. My friend Maria, she and Namjoon got married in January."

"Ahh. I won't tell. I imagine the other members were at the wedding as well?"

You nod your head. "No, I know you won't say anything. I'm really sorry if I hurt you." You say in a rush looking down.  

He looks at you until you look up. "Why did you leave us so suddenly? I know you said it wasn't my fault or us that you just had to leave and go home. But it was so sudden it seemed strange. And yes it did hurt. But thank you for apologizing again."

Your sigh is long and loud. Always having been honest with him you start to speak and going through your gallery you smile. "When Jimin called you and told you what he did. When I got back I felt like such a bad person. Going from you to him, to you. And you forgave me. And I was starting to fall for you. It was so confusing. But we made that beautiful song."

Xiumin speaks quietly. "Yes, it was. But?"

"But I was wracked with nerves and sick. Do you remember?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well at the store one day I figured it out. I just didn't know who and it made me feel terrible. And I wasn't going to ruin either of your lives."

"You aren't making a lot of sense. Ruin our lives how?"

As you sigh you turn your phone. "I was pregnant and scared so I left."

As he looks at the phone he nods. "Were you sure at birth he wasn't mine?" Passing the phone back you scroll and pull up one of Lucas at birth you show him. 

"Yes I knew then he was Jimin's."

Xiumin nods and laughs. "How mad was he when he found out?"

You roll your eyes. "Here we are at the wedding and Jimin's killing me with his eyes. And Jimin being Jimin demanded I move back so he could get to know his son."

"And since you are here then he is getting to know him?"

You nod. "I am very sorry. I hope you believe that?"

"I do. I did tell you I wouldn't be second. So I am glad you didn't make us fight for you." Seeing the tears in your eyes he shakes his head. "Don't be sad for me. Things work out the way they are supposed to. Maybe you and Jimin are meant to be and will be together if you aren't already? He looks happier when I see him around or on tv."

At your affirmative nod, he smiles. "Since you have trusted me with a few big secrets I have one of my own. It has to be kept that way after what happened with Chen. I'm sure you have heard of it?"

"Yes I have and those aren't fans. You all should be allowed to have lives. Love life's as well."

Laughing again he pulls out his phone and scrolling he looks around and hands his phone. Looking very handsome in a black tux, standing next to him in a beautiful white dress is what can only be his bride. "She's beautiful Xiumin." 

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