Birthday Breakfast

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The light creeping in when your up earlier then that usually, is what wakes you first. You stretch and remember you have a guest. Smiling you look at Jimin on his back, mouth open slightly.

Last night you guys had more than fooled around. He had finished what he started downstairs, twice. Once giving you a pillow to bite down on. Saying "Jung-kook will hear."

But it hadn't gone further than that. He had let you stroke him to orgasm but nothing past that.

Feeling the need to pee you go to the bathroom and wanting to climb back in bed you brush your teeth. When you walk back he's awake and watching you the sun coming in from behind.

"Angel. So beautiful." He says while opening the covers for you.

You blush and get in. "I'm not beautiful. But thank you. What time is it?"

He sighs and gets your phone next to his side. "8:06."

"Breakfast!" You say going to move out of bed.

Rolling on top of you Jimin shakes his head. "Breakfast is at 9. Jin is cooking. I turned your alarm off." He's said all this while kissing your neck, your shoulder, the top of your breasts.

"That was nice of him." You say while breathing deeply.

"It's your birthday, he wanted to." Stopping his hands from exploring he sits up bare-chested wearing his sweats still. "Do you mind if I put on the news?"

Shaking your head. "No that's all right. I think I'll shower and get dressed."

Jimin nods while watching the tv. "I might run and change my clothes to take a shower. I'll meet you back here at 9."

"You could take a shower here with me. You know to conserve water and all?"

Jimin laughs while turning the tv off and standing up. "Silly, all my stuff is in my room."

Sighing you get your phone and turn it up. You look at him and nod and walk into the bathroom and close the door sharply.

Jimin flops back on the bed. And can hear music.

Becky G Shower

He wants her so bad. But he has his own plans. Tonight after dinner and presents and cake he wants to show her passion and romance. Last night had been about something else just her. But tonight would be about both of you. If he could just wait. Sighing again, he got up and left the room. To take a very cold shower he thought as he adjusted himself.

In the shower furiously scrubbing her hair she sighs and closes her eyes as she rinses her hair. Getting her razor and balancing her leg she lathers it up. Maybe I'm doing this wrong. Why didn't we have sex? Not that the oral hadn't been amazing. But I want all of him.

Finishing her shower she puts a towel around herself and jogs into the bedroom. Grabbing her phone she makes a call. "I need your help."

Maria pulls on her pajama bottoms. As she hangs up. "Which room is Sam's?"

Nam-joon watches as she gets dressed. "All the way down at the end of the hallway. It has her name on the door."

Maria leans back and kisses him. "I'll see you later ok?" She grabs her bag and rolls it into the hallway.

Nam-joon nods and when she closes the door he lays back with a smile. Maria was amazing, a breath of fresh air. He needed something in his life besides the guys and work.

Knocking as she walked in Samantha was staring at clothes on her bed. Shaking her head. "I want to drive him crazy all day. I want a morning outfit and something even better for dinner."

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