Caught in a Lie

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The next two weeks flew by. You started to forget what day was what. The guys spent their days filming episodes of Run BTS. Doing some last-minute editing in the studio on their album that was due to be released in October.

One evening after five days apart when Jimin gets home that evening he comes into the kitchen where you were making tea as it was a little chilly. Knowing that he was coming home today you had put some effort in looking cute.

You were wearing an emerald green dress and he asked if you would go with him to run some errands. "Sure, let me just grab my sweater."

He drove up to the mountains talking about each other's week and as you looked out and down at twinkling lights. He was nervous. "I wanted you to hear this. It's special to me. I helped write it."

Listening to the song as he pushes play. The opening bars of Lie is haunting almost. And then Jimin's voice fills the car.

It plays through once and then you go back to listen to it a second time. When it stops you look at him and there are tears in your eyes.

"Oh Jimin it's beautiful. Your voice is amazing. I love it."

Jimin lets out the breath he was holding. "Really? Is it good?"

This is one of the things you love about him. He is perfect in your eyes. But he always doubts himself. "It's beyond good. The fans are going to love it. I'm so proud of you."

Jimin leans over and kisses you. "Thank you. Your opinion is one of the ones that matter most to me. Besides the group and producers, you're the first who's heard it."

"Put it on again please."

He complies and as the song plays you hum along. Not sure if it's the song, or the view or just being alone with Jimin your suddenly very turned on.

Your fingers tap up and down his chest. "I missed you. But I was able to get some things organized for the upcoming holidays and baking."

"That's good."

Your fingers reach to his pants and with him wearing sweats you are able to reach in and start manipulating him as you kiss him. Your lips trail up to his ear. "I love this song. I want you inside me while we listen to it."

Jimin reaches down and hurriedly pushes his sweats down his thighs. And adjusts the seat back. Taking your panties off you hand them to him and he puts them to his face and breathes in deep. Rolling your eyes as you climb over.

"I told you to not do that."

He smiles as his hands rest on your hips. "I can't help it. I love the smell of you." He thrusts his hips up showing you how much he does.

Adjusting your knees on each side of him he reaches down and rubbing the head of his cock against your clit and then center your dripping. You lower yourself down and you both groan.

"Start the song over." You say.

Reaching over he does. As it starts your roll your hips a little. Adjusting and getting comfortable. As he sings you start to move to the music. Your hips undulating and picking up and then slowing down as the music changes.

You feel it building in you as the music builds up to a crescendo at the end. Biting your neck hard as he feels you getting close is just what he knows you need to send you flying. The last two thrusts from him are hard and he groans against your neck as he comes.

After a minute you climb off and being careful to not sit on the seats you reach in your purse and hand him some tissues as you clean yourselves up. Putting it in the trash bag on the side he kisses you again.

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