Can't hide the truth

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And it continues that way for the next two weeks. Just needing to catch up on sleep you catch naps between cooking.

As Valentine's Day approaches Xiumin has made plans, the guys will be back in a few days. And you are at the store perusing the aisles grabbing things you need you stop in front of the pads and counting back you, backtrack and picking up a box you head to the checkout.

Back at the house hours have gone by and as you glance at the bathroom and the garbage can you look at your bed hurriedly and the packed suitcases. Finishing up the letter you wipe your eyes for the thousandth time. Your phone chimes alerting to your Uber and you gather your bags. Blinking your eyes determined to not cry you walk down the stairs and out of Exo and Xiumin's life.

The next day as your plane lands very early you wait for your luggage and watching the turnstile your gaze not seeing as it goes round and round a familiar voice says. "Those chef hat stickers on the red luggage are yours."

You watch as your dad grabs your bags. And sighing you speak. "Thank you for coming dad "

He nods. "You're my princess, of course, I did. So how bad is it?"

Shrugging and then finally you throw yourself at him and he hugs you and you start crying. "Pretty bad. I'm pregnant."

Your dad nods, and grabbing your hand he smiles. "So I'm going to be a grandpa? Doesn't sound so bad."

You chuckle and put your head on his shoulder as you walk to the parking garage. "I've made a mess of my life and was terrible to you. I had no right to judge you when I didn't understand, about men and women really."

Your dad sighs. "Honey if you think that's something you understand and have figured out then you should write a book."

As he gets you in the car and gets behind the wheel he looks at you. "Want to get some Arby's and have a talk?"

December 2019

As you sit in Maria's room she is packing her suitcase to fly to New York to be with Nam-joon they are performing for Dick Clark's New year's countdown and despite everything you are happy for BTS they have blown up so big in the last year and a half.

Maria looks at you and shakes her head. "I can't believe I'm getting married in two weeks. I'm so excited. Them being in America for all these things has been timed perfectly."

You nod and smile. "I'm really happy for you."

Maria nods. "And Jimin promised Nam-joon he will be polite, he isn't going to be mean."

"I know, and I promised I wouldn't either. It's been a long time. I'm not going to start anything either."

"Even though..?"

"Yes even though."

Two weeks later as you primp and help Maria with her gown. Your stomach is a bundle of nerves. The guys had been filming some music videos and things and there was no time for a rehearsal so you had managed to avoid all of them. But obviously, the groomsmen would be up there but it was only the next 8 hours with the wedding and reception. You could do this.

As everyone got into their lines you could see Jimin up ahead his navy blue hair face turned sideways to glance at you but then as if he thought better he turned back staring straight. The ushers opened the doors and the wedding party slowly proceeded through.

Your mom walks over with a little boy and gathering the pillow with a ring you bend over in your peach-colored dress and handed it to the boy at your side. Yoon-gi who has been silent and watching all this time waiting to walk you out as best man stares at you and the boy and back at you. You say nothing to him.

Smiling at your 16-month-old son. "You follow mommy and Nana ok?"

Putting your arm through Yoon-gi's he shakes his head. "Jimin is going to beat you for real this time."

Whispering you shake your head. "Why? Lucas isn't his."

"Everyone lies to, much, you, Angie, Maria. You'll see." He says.

As you walk Jimin's eyes are on you and then move to just behind you where your son toddles behind chattering as he holds the pillow and waves at people and holds his Nana's hand. You watch as Jimin's eyes widen and then look at you, his nostrils flaring.

The wedding continues as long as Catholic weddings are. And at one point you have to take your son and balance him on your hip where he gets a curl of your hair and plays with it. Finally putting his two middle fingers in his mouth and sucking them he falls asleep against your shoulder.

Jimin has stood there and watched all this. It took only one look and he knew that was his son. It wasn't so much just the feeling he just knew. When he wore blue contacts he looked exactly the same.

When the church proceeded outside to blow bubbles at the now-married couple he kept glancing over at Samantha and his child. He watched as his son pursed lips that were exactly his and blew a bubble that popped and smiled, then frowned. She had never said anything. He had missed out on everything.

Watching as Samantha passed his child to her mom who glared at him and then walked to a car. The wedding party climbed into the waiting limo. And for a celebration, it was eerily quiet. Finally, Jin spoke. "So anything interesting happened lately?"

The women in the car have the grace to look down and Nam-joon speaks. "It's my wedding day and I'm not going to ruin it. But after Maria, you and I have to have a discussion about secrets."

She nods and looks at you.

You shrug and cross your arms. "I don't need to have a discussion. It's my business."

Jimin looks up and quieter, then you have ever heard him says. "My son is your business?"

"He's not y..." you start to say.

Jimin's whole face turns red. But Jungkook speaks before he can scream. "Noona we all knew instantly he is, Jimin-ssi. Have you never seen baby pictures of Jimin?"

Going to his phone he pulls up something and looking at the screen it's like looking at your son. You hand the phone back to him and as you guys approach the reception hall Maria waits for the driver to open the door. "You guys have an hour before we are ready for pictures. Figure things out."

When everyone leaves you both stare at each other and the only sound is breathing from you both.

Finally, Jimin clears his throat. "What is his name?"

"Lucas." You answer.

"When was he born?"

"September 18th. At 2:03 in the morning after 16 hours of labor. He was 9 pounds 4 oz. I got 22 stitches and didn't look at him for an hour. But when I did I knew. I just pretended like I didn't. I thought his eyes would change but they didn't. He has my eyes but your."

"Lips, yeah I noticed he does." Raking his hand through his hair mussing it but it falls back into place. "Why did you keep this a secret?"

Sighing you get pissed. "Which and how many reasons do you want? I didn't think I could get pregnant. We weren't talking. You had left me again. I was with Xiumin. I wasn't sure, he was yours. When I found I was pregnant I decided I wasn't going to destroy everyone's lives so I left Korea and came back home. I have raised him, and I'm a good single mom."

Jimin shakes his head. "This was unfair. I missed everything."

You scoot alongside the seats. "You wouldn't have been able to be around for him much anyway. And well you made it clear you didn't want me." You say as you reach for the handle.

Jimin grabs your hand and stops you. "You always assume and you do a very bad job at it." He says angrily as he pulls you into his arms his mouth covering yours as you struggle.

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