Resolutions in a Changing 🌎

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It's a very subdued Jimin that listens to Bang and the fact that their whole tour is now being canceled and everything is up in the air.

And the next couple of days everyone moved around in a zombie state. The guys had lots of online meetings. There was sanitizer everywhere in the house. And with Lucas being so small Samantha and Jimin were both worried about anyone from the outside.

But settling on a routine things moved slowly over the next few days. They had a lot of time where they were holed up in meetings. And when Jimin two nights in a row saw Lucas only when he was asleep for the night she knew she had been right in what she had told him.

Nam-joon called a house meeting and went over what was going to be happening the next couple of months. With them all living here and only deliveries being made it was some days a storm of the goings-on. And other days it was so slow that you could literally feel time crawling.

The boys from TXT made appearances and having never met them before you found them very young and sweet. Lucas was only too happy to have new Tios to play with.

Pretty soon one room was devoted to all the new toys that people bought for him. One day you walked into the living room and saw Jungkook with Lucas sitting on his lap holding a game controller and screaming with delight as he guided the car he was driving along a track.

Seeing you, Jungkook smiled and speaks, in English. He's of the group, the one trying his hardest to learn. "Hey, Noona he's already a better driver then Nam-joon Hyung."

Laughing you ruffle both their heads. "I can see that. Do you guys know how many will be here for dinner?"

Jungkook laughs. "Do you mean will the younger ones be joining us?"

At your nod, he smiles. "Yeah, I don't know if Yeonjun likes your baking or you more. He has a crush on you."

Blinking you speak. "I kind of suspected. But I'm older than him and have a kid."

Jungkook laughs. "Yeah if he didn't care about Jimin-ssi so much I don't think he would mind."

"Well, I am making plenty of food anyway if they do. They eat with us most nights anyways."

Jungkook cheers as Lucas crosses the finish line. "Mas, Tio."

Talking to Lucas in Korean. "You want more? Okay, Tio will help you."

"If you get tired of him I'll be in the kitchen."

Jungkook waves you off. "He needs to learn from the best. Go to your women's work and leave us men alone to play."

Seeing the look on your face his eyes widen. "It is not Christmas to look so mean."

You roll your eyes but laugh and start walking away. But then turn around and look at him. "I'm glad you reminded me of that Kookie. Because you are definitely doing the onions this year."

As you walk away you hear him telling Lucas that you can be mean and he should always listen to his Oma.

That night you and Maria had made fried tacos with Spanish rice and beans. When Jimin came in you sighed and looked down. Seeing him in grey sweat shorts and a tank top was a crime. All that muscled leg showing.

He went to serve himself and saw a huge container of the drink he had liked he smiled.

"Rice drink. I liked this." He says while grabbing some tacos. He looks at you and smiles. And you smile back.

"Your son likes it too."

One of the boys from TXT named Kai waves at Lucas who's banging his sippy cup on his high chair. "Your son has good taste Jimin Hyung."

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