Lighten up

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You walk to the kitchen. You had half expected Yoon-gi to rat you out for mumbling. But as you put the onion dip you had made in the fridge and hear fast footsteps you see Jimin walking in fast and startled you jump.

He's very angry. When you and Maria had watched and giggled over some of the fan-made stuff you had seen him irritated and angry at the others. But not like this.

"I told you not to say you were fat and you did. I guess because you say it in Spanish then it's ok?"

"I was joking. Lighten up."

The other guys have stopped and stare at you. Jung-kook laughs. "She must for fun poke bears and ride motorcycles with no helmet."

Jimin stands there breathing deep and hard. "Go to your room. Don't push me. I told you what would happen." He says very low.

Samantha laughs buzzing her head is spinning a bit. Maria has come back down wearing a bathing suit and carrying a towel. "Leave the boys alone Sam, go get a suit on and go swimming." She glares at Nam-joon while saying that.

Samantha looks at Maria, "I don't know if I can my dad said I have to go to my room."

Jin and Ho-seok both open their eyes wide. "Oh, that's bad."

Tae-Hyung shakes his head. "Samantha, Jimin is your Oppa, you have to respect that."

Jimin walks closer to her. "She doesn't respect it because she doesn't respect herself. Did you think I was joking or didn't mean what I said? Why are you standing here still? Go to your room, be good and take a bath and we will discuss this in the morning." He sighs once seeing the internal battle going on in you.

At the look in his eyes, you suddenly wish you could take it back. Looking at Maria who is staring at her obviously gone insane from the dick friend she shakes her head knowing she can't handle it she's not ready. Mouthing the word No Maria tries to help.

Samantha nods. "Go big or go home you always tell me." Walking to Jimin you pat his cheek and walk past him. "No, and you can't make me. Let me get my su-" is all you get out before Jimin has grabbed your arm. Spinning you around.

"NAGA!" Jimin shouts.

Everyone scatters taking his advice to get out. But not very far. Tae-Hyung, Yoon-gi, and Jung-kook are waiting by the elevator. Nam-joon has grabbed Maria's arm and is by the backdoor with her. Jin and Ho-seok are sitting on the bottom stair.

Maria looks up at Nam-joon, "Is he violent?"

Nam-joon rolls his eyes at her. "Did you not notice her egging him on? Sounded to me like she wanted him to."

Maria nods and puts her finger to his lips. "I'm terribly nosy I want to hear."

He nods and stares down at her.

From the kitchen, you hear Jimin's raised voice but he's not making a lot of sense. "Think you can push me. When I say something I mean it." Pulling you over to the island he sits and it's not until he pulls your pants and underwear down then puts you over his knee that you know what's going to happen.

As you struggle he shakes your arm. "Don't!"

"I haven't been spanked since I was a kid."

He nods, "Yes you probably needed it then too."

He brings his right hand down hard on your ass causing you to wince. "Hey!"







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