Ho Ho Ho

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The ride to your house seemed to take forever. Light touches of each other's arms and legs. Innocent normally but alcohol and dancing with each other had heightened your arousal of each other.

Jimin sat there overthinking. And you could almost see the wheels of uncertainty. The doubt of if he should make a move or not. Since you guys were supposed to be moving slowly.

Leaning in close your fingers caress his thigh before squeezing. You whisper. "I can see your mind working." Your breath hot on his ear causes him to groan.

"Stop thinking so much. I want you in every hole and in every way." You say as you pull up outside.

When the driver stops you both say a hasty bye to him. And Jimin pulls you behind him to your house.

Upon opening the door he shoved you against it closing it with the force. His mouth on yours. Kissing you with all the passion you have wanted from him.

Your hands pull at his hair and you attack his neck. Biting him quite hard he squeaks and pulls back looking at you. Attacking your mouth again he pulls your hair back in his fist and assaults you. His hands roaming underneath your dress slipping his fingers in your panties he starts fingering you hard and fast.

Moaning in his mouth as his tongue tangles with yours. He drops to his knees suddenly and ripping your panties down he puts your leg over his shoulder and buries his face in your pussy. Licking, nibbling, sucking on your clit till you come for him.

He continues till your legs are shaking and another orgasm rips through you. Begging him to stop he locks the door and picks you up your legs around his waist as he walks with you to your bedroom. Falling onto the small bunk with you at some point he had unbuckled his pants and pushed them down.

Eager to be inside you he doesn't even pause, pushing in you gasp. Forgetting how big he was. He starts pounding at you. His hips moving fast. But you want more. It's been so long since you've felt this passion and you missed it.

He's groaning and you grab his arms and make him roll on top of him you pull your dress off and continue to ride his cock. He reaches up and fills his hands with your breasts. Leaning over him your breasts now in his face you whisper. "Bite it."

Taking your nipple between his teeth he clamps down. It tugs at your pussy and you moan. "God Jimin keep doing that and I'm going to come."

He sucks your nipple deep into his mouth and you continue to rise up and down. You move and your arms go under his head so you're lying chest to chest. When your orgasm approaches you cry out loudly and he flips you off of him and on your stomach.

Getting behind you he pushes your legs together and slowly enters your pussy from behind. It's so tight and the friction is amazing. Gathering you in his arms he hugs you tight as he continues to move this way.

He reaches under you and his fingers find your clit and he rubs as he pushes deep.

He fucks you long and hard, for hours. Till your pussy is tired and you've come more than you ever thought you could. The alcohol turning him into the Energizer bunny.

Finally climbing off of him you kneel beside him and start licking the taste of yourself off his cock. He moans as you slowly lick every hard long inch of him. Your tongue moves down and opening your mouth you take one shaved ball into your mouth at a time. Humming as you do he groans, his hand in your hair massaging your scalp.

"I want you to cum." You whisper in the dark.

"Keep doing all that and I will."

You continue to lick the tip, your mouth then taking him deeper till your nose touches his skin. Massaging his balls with your hand an idea forms. And if he says no you'll stop.

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