The 3 Caballero's

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How the fuck could he look so good? As the Lyft pulls away you notice his bag. "I don't know what your thinking but you are not staying here."

Walking towards the house he follows you. "I want to talk to you."

"So you used my friend to do that?"

Stopping and turning around. As he walks behind you. "I said you can't stay here."

He stops and looks down, then back at you. He looks at your hair and smiles. Now getting what Maria's questions were about you could cheerfully punch her.

His face is thinner and he looks more mature. "Can we please talk. If you still hate me after we talk I will leave."

Rolling your eyes you open the door and walk in headed to the kitchen.

He looks around, your house is smallish but nice. It's the home where you grew up.

You start slicing lemons in half and squeeze the juice into a bowl and strainer at the sink. He sits down at the counter and watches you for a minute. "You have lost weight."

Sarcasm dripping off of you. "Yeah, I'm not fat anymore."

As you walk toward the island with the bowl you add sugar to the juice and crack in eggs looking at him. Even now he's frowning. Remembering his spanking you flush and seeing you turn red causes him to.

"Yeah well, that's not happening again." You say.

He raises his eyebrow. "I never said you could belittle yourself if we broke up. But you can always see if I meant it or not?"

Thinking of his hands on your ass causes you to shiver. You're with Xiumin now you shouldn't feel this. Inside your little voice tells you, say your as big as a house. Do it girl. "Shut up."

"Excuse me?"

"Not you."

"Oh okay." He says with confusion on his face.

Getting mad you slam your measuring cups down. "Why did you come here? To drag up old memories. To hurt me? Ruin my Christmas? I barely got through Thanksgiving. I'm moving on."

Shaking his head. "No, I feel terrible that I hurt you. And when you got mad at me on the phone I decided we had to make things better. Nam-joon is going to propose to Maria for New Year's."

"I'll be sure to not tell her that is if you can trust me enough not to."

He has the grace to look ashamed. "I don't think you will."

"Oh good, I'm glad you can trust me. And why do you get to decide we need to make things better?" Working as you talk you put the bars in the oven and set your timer.

"Like when you decided that I was a liar and you couldn't be with me? Those kinds of decisions?"

"Samantha I'm so sorry I did that and hurt you. I tried to find you the next day but your family hadn't heard from you."

Nodding at him. "Yeah, when you all threw me out I got another job."

"I know."

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