Birthday Celebrations

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((it's been a hard couple weeks. I wasn't sure if people were liking this. And well sometimes you pull stuff from your real life into your stories. So this chapter was a little hard for me.))

Days filled into weeks and weeks into the end of the summer. The boys were hardly ever there. Always on the go and filming different shows and singing at concerts.

But when they were there you made sure they ate good food and we're able to relax.

It was on one of those relaxing days as Jimin was laying with you in his bed. His head was on your bare stomach it was hot today so you were wearing just a sports bra and shorts.

Tonight you were celebrating Jung-kooks birthday as they were leaving again tomorrow and his birthday was the day after. You had a cake cooling in the fridge and a variety of sliced meat and vegetables to grill table side tonight.

As Jimin kissed your stomach and trailed his fingers over your sides. Swatting at his hand. "Stop that."

He puts his chin on your stomach. "I like making you laugh."

Rolling your eyes and changing the channel. "Yes and I like keeping my pee inside me till I have to go."

Jimin kisses your belly button and blows his lips against it. "That was funny too." He kisses his way to the side and looking at your skin touches a silvery scar. "What's this scar? I never noticed it before."

Frowning you say. "Well your usually distracted by my other parts."

Looking at you he frowns. "Why did your voice change?"

Sitting up you sigh. "Remember when I told you about not being able to have kids?"

Jimin nods and gets your hand.

"I do have one ovary that's bad. I didn't know that until I was in the hospital." Picking at the bedspread you finally lookup.

"The night of my birthday being drunk and all well things happen. I started getting sick. I had an ectopic pregnancy it burst. When they went in to fix it they said my other ovary had growths that were benign. So that's how I found out." You say the words fast like pulling off a band-aid.

Jimin stares at you. "Why didn't you tell me then?"

You shrug. "I don't know. It's not something I talk about. Only Maria knows."

Standing up Jimin walks around for a minute and then stops staring at you. "Your parents? Your mom? Don't you think she would like to know you won't be giving her grandchildren someday?"

His voice has gotten angrier. And you feel yourself getting pissed off. "I was sixteen and didn't want to disappoint my parents. Or are you the only person who told their parents everything they did as a teen?"

Jimin pulls a shirt from his drawer and puts it on. "We aren't talking about me."

"No, we are talking about me. I told you something about me that no one else but my best friend knows. And now you're mad?"

Jimin rolls his eyes. "I'm mad because you could have told me the night we talked about this the first time. The way you said it was misleading. If there's no trust between us then there can't be anything."

Nodding your head you stand up. "Ok good to know Jimin." You say your voice raising. "It's not like there's anything between us but friends who have sex. I'm not even your girlfriend." You say the last while going to the door and slammed it behind you.

Walking to your room you slam that one too and lock it behind you before heading to the shower. Hearing him knocking on your door you undress and climb in finally allowing the tears to fall.

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