Shopping and a breakup

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Jimin's alarm goes off at 7 in the morning he tries to quietly move in the bed to get up but you whine and throw your leg over his. "Noooo it's warm. Don't leave yet."

Smiling he cuddles you closer squeezing you till you squeal. "You made me so happy last night. You looked so sexy too."

Blushing even if he can't see you hit him. "Shh."

He laughs and kisses your head. "All right but you did. I love you so much, Samantha."

"Because I let you do it there?"

Jimin huffs. "No! And keep saying silly things like that and I'm going to spank you."

"See always about the ass."

Pinching it he then moved on top of you and looking in your eyes he brushes the hair from your eyes. "I never thought that I would be happy like this at this age. I wasn't even looking for you and I found you."

"I love you to Jimin. You make me happy every day."

He kisses you and sighs as he hears Nam-joon's loud voice in the hall. "I need to get up."

Sighing to you smile. "It's ok, you'll be back soon. And then it's a 3-day Vacation."

"Yes, food, football, food, friends."

You laugh as you sit up when he does. "Well, your priorities are straight. But speaking of friends. I wanted to know if I could invite some?"

Jimin pauses as he's putting his clothes on. "Friends? From Korea?"

You stand at your dresser and putting your bra on and then leggings and a white t-shirt. You look at him as he just stares at you. "Get ready." You say while giggling.

He nods and puts his socks on at the edge of the bed. "What friends?" Already knowing the answer.

You sigh and go over to him and stand till he looks up at you. "The guys from EXO."

"Do you li-?"

Putting your lips on his. "Don't ask me silly questions. I love you. He, they are just friends. And Maria and I are used to big huge Thanksgiving. And I want to invite them to eat and stay the night from Wednesday evening till Friday. That's why I love this holiday it's not about gifts, it's about being together."

He wraps his arms around your waist as he stands. "All right. It will be nice to have more friends over."

"Thank you." You whisper kissing him again.

Hearing raised voices you hear Jung-kooks voice outside the door. "Jimin-ssi, Nam-joon Hyung is getting mad."

"Come in Kookie!" You say. As you hurriedly put your hair up.

Jung-kook walks in smiling. "Good morning."

"Good morning." You both say.

You walk out in bare feet and down the stairs you all trot. "What's for dinner?" Jimin asks as you walk to the door.

Maria pulls her lips away from Nam-joon and laughs. "Oh, he's funny."

Jimin looks at her his eyes smiling. "Why?"

You answer. "Pizza probably."

Jung-kook claps his hands and Ho-seok does a little dance. Poking them both in their ribs. "Uh uh. Its Pizza hut."

The boys both groan but at a sharp look from them, they suddenly smile. Ho-seok smiles. "Oh, it's ok we like Pizza Hut to."

Jung-kook looks at you his eyes wide. And Maria pats his head. "You look like my brother when she gets mad at him. He's 6'4" and 300 pounds. Don't even ask her what's for dinner or try to cook in her kitchen tomorrow. You order in something."

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