Diapers and Showers

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The next day you and Jimin sit down at the dining table and a very beautiful African American woman with green eyes is explaining the paperwork in front of you. Her very muscular and large Korean husband sits next to Jimin and is talking with him.

The papers state how much money will go into a trust that builds for Lucas that he will receive in installments when he turns 18, 21, 25, and the bulk when he turns 30.

If he goes to college there is another trust that will be accessible. If not he receives that at 25. You will receive a monthly payment to take care of Lucas each month. Any and all medical bills will be covered by Park Jimin.

And for all this, you just have to sign a paper stating that you will not take off and leave with your son. If you decide to move out or get married then visitation rights will have to be negotiated.

And after reading through it all you take the pen and sign. You look up at Jimin as he signs his paperwork. "Even without this, I promise I won't do that to you or him."

He stares in your eyes and nods. "Thank you."

Later that day the guys are all huddled at the same table as you bring in lunch and at the serious and depressed looks on their faces you're concerned.

"What's going on?" You ask, putting the hamburgers you made on the sideboard.

Nam-joon shakes his head. "Things are getting dicey with the spread of this disease. And it looks like we might have to cancel parts of our tour."

Suga looks up from his phone. "Angie just went through boarding. She was going to come out in 3 weeks but we pushed it up just in case."

You shoo Lucas away from where he's trying to grab two burgers but Jimin is there and picking him up he coos to him in Korean before putting two burgers on his plate. With Lucas on his lap, he piles one burger with toppings and then looks at you questioningly.

The other guys are talking and getting food and you answer Jimin's unspoken question. "Your son is not picky. But he likes ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise and cheese, pickles, and his bacon on the side."

Jimin smiles and nods, adding the things and talking to Lucas. Giving him a bite of bacon and taking a bite himself.

"And he can only have 3 tater tots or he won't eat any of his burger."

You have to smile as Jimin holds up four fingers to Lucas who smiles and nods. Leaning in, he kisses his Appa's face.

A couple of hours later you go into the living room to watch the news and stop. And realize you are once again in danger. Jimin is on the couch laying while V and Jungkook sit in chairs. But Lucas and Jimin are both asleep their mouths open and breathing the same and you feel your heart tug.

Jungkook looks at you intently, he's been staring at you since you walked in and stopped. Finally speaking, you're startled.

"You ok Noona?"

You nod. "Yeah, I'm ok." Knowing your not and once again in the clutches of Park Jimin and needing to fix it.

The day moves along and you call out cowards as Hobi, Suga, and Jungkook run away as you lay a blanket on the floor in preparation of changing your happy, stinky son.

Jimin is next to you, his nose wrinkled but prepared. You nod and as Lucas blows raspberries you talk to Jimin. "So you undo the diaper, but keep it covered, this is important. Make sure you have everything close to you. Take the diaper and use the front part to now wipe the poop. Take the wipes and clean it, very good. Dirty wipes go on the dirty diaper. Once he's clean." You say as you finish wiping him.

You grab the clean unfolded diaper and lifting, Lucas's legs up in the air with one hand, you scoot it under him and fasten it to his waist with the tabs.

Taking the shirt off of Lucas you put an onesie on him and snap it at the crotch. Lucas now knowing his part is over, turns over, and then standing up, toddles away.

"Just in case you have to before I start him on potty training."

You wrap the diaper and wipes up in a neat little bundle and he's impressed. "How many diapers have you changed?"

Shrugging you smile. "Hundreds. But later if you want you can change a normal one."

"Oh pee or poop I will change please let me try. Jungkook owes me a big favor, I will have him help me."

Nodding you agree. "OK next diaper is yours."

Later on, as you're in the kitchen and just pulling out Lasagna from the oven. You hear a loud commotion coming from the living room. Putting the lasagna down you trot over and see Jungkook standing looking at Lucas in horror. "That's not pee." He says to Jimin.

"Hand me the wipes, Kook."

Jungkook pulls out way more than is needed and Jimin starts blotting and wiping at a laughing Lucas. Who tries to turn away. Jimin with his hand's full gasps looking at his poop covered son. "Jungkook, stop him."

He grabs at him but stops when he pulls his hand away that has poop on it. He stares at it trying to comprehend what's happening.

Jimin jumps and grabs Lucas and pulls him back and to the changing pad which seems way to, small. Wrangling his child he laughs. "It's just poop. Lucas be a good boy now and say sorry to your Tio Kookie."

Jungkook looks at Jimin and the, what he thought was once, cute, naked boy. "Ttong, it's shit Jimin-ssi."

"Shit," Lucas says.

Jimin shakes his head as he wipes and gets him all clean. "No baby, ca-ca, poop. Don't be bad like Jungkook."

You smile as you see what's about to happen. Jimin has done a good job cleaning but he's taking to, long. And when he yells out you cover your mouth. Lucas has just given his Appa his first shower. Jimin hurries to cover him but his shirt is now soaked in a trail from his collar bone to his stomach.

"Shit," Jimin says.

"Shit," Lucas says.

"No Hyung it's pee."

You run away laughing when Jimin throws the pee covered clothes at a startled Jungkook.

Finally, when you're able to not smile you walk back and taking in the situation you speak. "Kookie go get cleaned up. I'll help Jimin."

Jungkook can't leave fast enough. You watch as Jimin fastens the diaper. "He's going to need a shower. So are you. Take him up to your room and I'll bring him some clothes."

Jimin nods and standing he picks up Lucas. You clean up the mess as they leave the room. Hobi and Jen-ai are walking by and you ask them if they will put the food out for the others, explaining quickly what happened and when they agree you hurry upstairs.

Going in and getting sweats and a t-shirt for Lucas you walk over to Jimin's room and walk-in. Not even thinking you just go to the bathroom and behind the glass, you see both in there Lucas is in his arms clean and happy.

Spotting you Jimin smiles. "He's clean."

You nod and can't speak your mouth dry. You had forgotten how truly gorgeous he was. He's leaner then he used to be. But still all muscles and hard angles.

"Did you want to take him to Jungkook and join me?" Jimin finally asks.

Rolling your eyes and snapping out of it you grab a towel from the rod. Opening the door you wrap Lucas in the towel. "No! Besides I don't think he will want to watch him till he's out of diapers now." You say as you walk away.

Jimin laughs as he shuts the door and starts soaping himself.

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