An old friend

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As Lucas was finally in what was labeled as the terrible two's you and Jimin were at your wits end. He was into everything. His favorite word was No and it was usually after you had asked him to pick up his toys. The move was relatively smooth from one place to another but with the guys also doing a lot of practices and interviews you were glad they had a huge amount of help with movers and other adults. 

Besides Lucas' birthday that month you had JK's then Namjoon as well as Yeonjun. So there were lots of cakes and presents and toys. Your parents had been on zoom with you all to wish Lucas a happy birthday. 

You skyped with your mom and your dad respectively every other day. Marias Mom and Dad were trying to see about being out here by the due date but the rules and regulations in place were going to make that hard but not impossible. So your Mom and Dad were going to come out with their spouse's and be here for Christmas. Some people had laughed until they saw the look on your face when you started making lists after Lucas' birthday. 

Being a western holiday for the most part and with a semi lockdown you had still got a costume for Lucas and had all the guys close their doorways and taught him how to trick or treat. Which he had enjoyed so much that he knocked on everyones doors twice.

October turned into November and as Dynamite continued to break records Lucas was always impressed seeing his dad and the others on TV. Ma! Ma! Oppa, Tios me watch. Seeing his little diapered butt sway back and Forth as he danced to the songs was adorable. 

One night the guys got home from the studio later than normal and it had been a long day for you. As much as you loved the holidays, sometimes it was a large undertaking especially since you were cooking for almost the same amount as back in the states. And back then you hadn't had a two year old. But when Jimin walked in to find you in the kitchen crying as the mixer sounded on he became worried. 

 "Aegiya! What's wrong?" He said as he touched your shoulder.

That just made you cry harder. "I feel like the baby! I don't know why today it's hard. But I'm tired, all this stress, I miss my parents, I want normal again. I even miss you more because your so busy and then I feel guilty for feeling that way."

He watches as you turn the mixer off and start scooping the dough into the ziploc bag you have. "Well what can I do to help to make things easier for you?"

You shrug and lick a bite of dough off your thumb as you close the bag. "I don't know, nothing I guess. I'm just being a brat. I should be thankful for everything. The others offer to help but with people pregnant I say no. They keep Lucas distracted but sometimes I need to stop to give him my time and it unwinds me but he's pushing boundaries seeing what he can get away with."

"Well we have no schedule for the next two days. Then its a week on and we have the whole 10 days before Thanksgiving and 4 days after free. So we will be around to help a lot. No matter how many cans you make me open. And you aren't being a brat. You are just tired."

He takes the mixing bowl from you and starts washing it. "Anything you had planned can wait till tomorrow." He finishes the bowl and pulls out his phone. "Taehyung can you do a favor for Samantha, start a bath for her, she's had a long day and is coming upstairs to relax use the green bath salts and the black bomb she likes that best. Thank you."

Turning and looking at you he goes to the fridge and grabs the vodka you keep there and mixes a very strong to your eyes drink with cranberry cherry juice. Handing it to you he speaks. "I don't want you even going to your room. I have a set of pajamas in my room you can use. I will take care of Lucas if he needs someone. You are on break till tomorrow and even then it's only to do what you want. Now go and relax. He says as he gets the cleaner and starts with the counters. 

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