I love you

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After your bath, you lay in your bed tossing and turning. Getting your phone 2:30 God you're never going to sleep. Deciding to listen to music you forgot your phone was on silent and see you have 3 texts.

1:45 Xiumin: Can
friends tell friends
they are beautiful
both inside and out?

2:06 Xiumin: What is
your favorite food
to snack on?

2:24 Xiumin: Are you going to let us see your dance sometime?

You forgot, you said
you would.

Smiling you adjust your pillow and head. Turning your notifications back on. Plugging in your headphones and humming along.

Ariana Grande: Into you

I guess friends
can tell each other
that once in a
while if it's true.

Popcorn with lots
of butter I'm
a junkie for

And maybe yes
at some point
I will dance, maybe
tomorrow when
you guys aren't busy.

As you wait you go through your YouTube and pull up a video

Xiumin: Why are
you still up?

Why are you?

Xiumin: It's the life,
we nap when we can.
Traveling messes with your sleep patterns.

So why are you?

Realizing that Xiumin is shrewd you go with honesty.

I've gotten used
to sleeping next
to him and now
it's weird.

Well I could come
and cuddle with you
if you need to
get some rest.

😆 So Noble and
selfless. Just
helping out
a friend?

Should I put my
shoes on?

No, but I appreciate
your offer, I think.


He was in my room
when I got here.

Really? And he's
not still, since
you can't sleep.

I needed time to
think. I didn't
want to talk to him.

Can I give you
some advice?


Life can be too short.
Fleeting moments.
It's not always
about being right.
Sometimes being
right can cause
you to be alone.

But I am right.

Yes, you are.
But you are also alone.
Are you going to
forgive him?

I don't want to
all the time, but yes.

Why? Be honest.

Because I love him.

Then why are you
still texting me?

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