Chapter 30: The Harshest Reality

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Cami's POV:

The beam of light shining through the window strained my tired eyes. I winced as I awoke into a room filled with daylight, that had come all too quickly. It was just passed seven and way too early for me to be awake. I had gotten less than five hours of sleep and could already feel the disapproval of my body from the long night I had suffered through. It took me a few moments to pull myself together and notice that Harry was no longer sleeping beside me.

In an instant, all the events that occurred earlier this morning came rushing back. My meltdown, the tears, and most importantly; Harry telling me that he loved me. At the time, I was in no position to reciprocate my feelings. I knew Harry understood that, but I couldn't help but feel guilty and a little on edge about seeing him after his revelation. It had been a long time since anyone had told me they loved me and I wasn't sure if I was ready to hear it, much less feel it. I knew I cared for Harry more than I ever had for anyone else, but did that mean it was love? After not believing in love for so long, I wasn't even sure if I knew what it felt like anymore. It was an internal battle I was waging, along with the countless others going on in my head. If I wasn't in love with him now, I was quickly on my way and there was no uncertainty about that.

I followed the glass staircase to the main floor, having memories of doing it only mere hours before. The burning in my chest from this morning faded away once I reached the kitchen. Shirtless, and only in a pair of joggers was the person who single handedly snapped me out of my panic attack. His tanned back was toward me and it flexed slightly when he flipped the eggs in the pan he was holding. The multiple smells of the sizzling foods enveloped the space around us and felt a bit overwhelming.

"Morning," I mumbled.

I couldn't help but feel self-conscious for some odd reason and it was obvious in my posture. I felt stiff and nervous, which was new for me when I was around Harry. He always made me feel comfortable, yet suddenly I felt awkward and he realized as well. I could see the slight look of confusion in his eyes, but he dismissed my hesitation. He padded his way over to me and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"Good morning," he chirped, happier than I clearly was.

He planted another soft kiss on my cheek and moved back to the stove where he turned off both the bacon and the eggs. He grabbed two plates out of the cupboard above his head and divided the food equally.

"Smells good," I complimented, as I reached behind him for the coffee machine.

I filled my cup with the steaming liquid and instantly knew I would need at least three more to get myself through the day.

"When would you ever complain about the smell of bacon?" he asked sarcastically.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I followed the plate in his hand to the table. He placed it down across from his own and handed me a fork once I sat down. The bacon was crispy and the eggs fluffy and salty, everything just the way I liked it. I practically inhaled the plate of food in record timing and I could see Harry's amusement at that fact. I grimaced at him in annoyance and he tried to repress his smirk by starting a conversation.

"So, what do you wanna do today?"

Since my Saturday was spent celebrating with Harry, today needed to be full of finishing homework. As much as I wanted to blow it off and sleep for another six hours, I couldn't let myself get behind. I already knew Harry was not gonna be fond of the idea; Sunday's were usually a relaxing day for us both. I also knew how bad it looked for me to be ditching him right after he confessed his feelings to me for the first time. I really just had no choice in the matter.

"I should probably get going actually."

"Why?" His eyebrows narrowed in confusion.

"I have a lot of homework. I don't wanna fall behind, you know?"

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