Chapter 8: Awkward and Underdressed

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Cami POV:

The sound of Charli's shrills of laughter echoed through the apartment, as it took me from my deep sleep.

Caleb had spent the night once again, which was fine by me, but it was not cool to wake me up at 8:00 A.M on a Saturday morning. As the sleep was rubbed from my eyes, flashbacks of last nights familiar dream played in my mind. There was a peaceful meadow, I was lying in the grass looking up at the clear blue sky. A butterfly! I remember a royal blue butterfly lingering around me, just far enough out of my reach. The dream felt familiar to me, maybe I had had it before?

Thanks to Charli's annoying laughter, I had woken up and decided I might as well get out of bed. I grabbed my yoga pants hanging on my desk chair and my favourite black hoodie, making my way to the bathroom.

Remembering my plans with Niall this evening, I immediately regretted saying yes to the date. I didn't know for sure how it was going to go, but what I did know was that it could be awkward and detrimental to our friendship.

The smell of fresh cooked eggs and the sizzling of bacon diverted my attention to the kitchen.

"Stop it, you're tickling me!" Charli screeched, and Caleb chuckled.

I followed the barf worthy noises of the cute couple into the kitchen, and sent a menacing glare their way.

"I just love being woken up at 8am on a Saturday," I said, rather sarcastically.

"Relax Cam, we're making your favourite, bacon and eggs." Charli was trying to give me her best puppy dog look that was hardly working.

"Fine, you're forgiven, but only because you made me bacon," I said, as I held a warning finger up to her.

Bacon was my weakness and she knew that.

After scarfing down a surprisingly delicious breakfast, I spent my one day off from The Grind pampering myself, by painting my nails a dark shade of blue and tidying the clothes covering my bedroom floor.

It was decided that Niall was going to pick me up at 6:00, but he hadn't told me where we were going for dinner. With only half an hour left to get ready, I picked out a cute but casual outfit, doing my best not to dress too over the top. I took a hot curling iron to my hair to give it some natural waves and I swiped on a thin line of black liner over my eyelids. The doorbell rang, which sent a shot of nerves through my body.

I frantically walked towards door and I opened it, only to be met with a surprising sight in front of me. Adorned in a dress shirt and slacks was Niall, handling a large bouquet of typical red roses.

I faked a smile of admiration towards the flowers in his hands as I greeted him.

"Hey Niall, you look great," I said, feeling exactly what I feared, awkward and underdressed.

He eyed me up and down and seemed to realize the same thing I did. We were on completely different pages on the dress code for tonight. I didn't know where he was planning on taking me, but he could have at least mentioned it was going to be rather formal. He nervously hummed and smiled as his cheeks turned a light shade of red. This was already awkward and we hadn't even left my apartment yet.

"Thanks, you too," Niall began, as he nervously cleared his throat. "I should have told you where we were going," he sighed, as he looked down towards his own clothes.

I gently patted my hand on his shoulder, trying to ease his nervousness and embarrassment. If he could relax, maybe he would see that we were just better off as friends and tonight didn't have to be weird.

"It's fine, I'll just go change really quick," I said, trying to make the awkwardness shift onto a lighter tone. "Thanks for the flowers, they're beautiful," I added, as he handed them over to me.

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