Chapter 1: No Need For a Fake ID

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*9 months Earlier*

The soft breeze is blowing through my hair, and with each thrust of the swing, a wave of tranquility washes over me. As I glance towards my childhood home, my father moves past the window of his office, gripping his cell phone tightly to his ear. Once again, my presence remains unnoticed to him, causing a pang of sadness to return and a familiar frown. As I turn away from the upsetting scene in front of me, my attention is drawn to the fluttering shadow on the grass. A beautiful sapphire monarch glides above me, fixating me into a state of awe. Its' mesmerizing glow distracts me from my previous thoughts, inducing me with a feeling of contentment. Immediately, the butterfly moves past me, flying further out of my reach. In my attempt to catch up with it, a harsh voice begins to ring through my mind.

"Cami!" the voice yelled. "Camille Grace Ryder!" I heard it again. "Camille, wake your ass up it's only 10:30!" I groaned in frustration as I was pulled from my sleep.

I groaned "What do you want Charli?" I asked annoyed at the constant interruptions I received from my roommate.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, revealing the sight of Charli's makeuped face. Her mahogany curls were draped over her petite frame, falling just before the neckline of her skimpy black dress.

"Get up, we're going out. It's Friday night and staying in is not an option." Chari placed her hand on her hip as she waiting for me to get up.

"Would you like to enlighten me on where exactly you plan on taking me?" I raised an eyebrow at her in question.

Charli smirked, "Well, I met this guy and you're not going to believe this."

I sat up on my bed, giving her more attention now that I was fully conscious.

"You always meet a guy, what is it now?"

"This time it's different! He owns that new club by the pier and said we were welcome to stop by."

"Charli, have you totally forgotten that we are only twenty, and our crappy fake IDs never actually work?" My sarcasm was obvious, but It was her after all who got them for us, yet they rarely ever got us in.

She really woke me up for this? She better be prepared for one bitchy Cami.

A defensive look crossed Charli's face, "I don't recall them being all my idea, but it doesn't matter anyways. Caleb said he'd take care of it. So, you have no excuse. Now get up and get ready."

When she was done voicing her demands, she finsihed by childishly sticking out her tongue at me.

"Fine, but you're letting me borrow your new red dress," I countered with a smirk.

Charli rolled her eyes at the ultimatum I presented her with, but I knew she would agree.

"Whatever," she sighed as she continued. "Go do your makeup, you look like you just rolled out of bed, bitch."

"Wow, thanks whore," I said, as I raised my middle finger.

The nicknames were a stupid high school thing that happened to have stuck.

After applying a good amount of mascara and slipping on my dress and a strappy pair of black heels, I took one last glance in the mirror and followed Charli out the door. The club was not far from our apartment, making the idea seem more appealing to me as we arrived at the front. Written in thick crimson letters, read BANDIT, the club's new sign. Just to the left of the sign, there was a long line of rowdy patrons awaiting their admittance inside. Sensing my aversion to waiting in the never ending line, Charli thankfully grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to the front. A man standing at the head of the line seemed to acknowledge our presence. He had shaggy blonde hair with complimenting sky blue eyes, along with a hoop through his left nostril. His body was adorned with a black dress shirt and everything about him screamed importance.

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