Chapter 4: Tuesday

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Cami POV:

Today was Tuesday. Tuesdays were the worst days of the week. Most people would say Mondays, but I disagreed. At least on Mondays, you start your week refreshed and well rested from the weekend. Sure, you're not in the swing of the week yet, but on Tuesdays you suffer from the annoyance of a Monday the day before. Tuesdays also sucked because I had a weekly three hour Visual Literacy class starting at seven a.m. Then I headed to the gym for a two hour workout, that kicked my ass every time and another Media Writing class following. On top of all of that, on Tuesday nights I got the honor of working at The Grind until close, goody. The only good part about closing was it was usually dead after dinner time, which left me to have an empty cafe with free internet access and a suitable study area. Lately, studying at the apartment was getting harder thanks to Caleb and Charli. Those two have been going at it like rabbits and being loud was an understatement. Caleb has his own roommate free place, but do they go there? Of course not.

I made sure to wake myself extra early this morning, since I seemed to be running late a lot lately. I took a quick shower, and actually tried to look presentable today, by straightening my hair and applying some eye makeup.

As a visual arts major, it was expected to look appealing and put together. Your exterior is an expression of yourself and your habits. Professor Jenks 101. She organized most of the curriculum and was a real hard ass about stuff like that. If you came into any of her lectures looking slightly less than your best, you would be made an example of and that's a spot no one wants to be in.

I ransacked my closet and picked out a plain white v neck and blue skinny jeans. I grabbed my leather jacket to warm me from the crisp morning air and slipped on a pair of combat boots as I made my way to the kitchen.

Charli was surprisingly alone, eating a grilled cheese over the table. Her phone was in hand as she texted away with a grin plastered to her face.

"I wonder who you could be talking to," I said sarcastically.

Charli scowled and took a piece of uneaten crust, throwing it across the room, aiming for my head. I gasped as it landed in my clean and freshly straightened hair.

"What are you five years old?" I asked, removing it from my hair and hurling it towards her.

Charli only chuckled as it completely missed my target. I had bad aim, what could I say?

"We were actually talking about you."

I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion, as I grabbed my bag and messily shoved papers inside.

"Oh really?"

"Yup, he and Harry are hosting a Halloween party at Bandit. He told me to invite you."

Oh great, that's all I needed was to be forced back to Bandit by Charli and then later be forced out by Harry. I swear sometimes Chari took things too far, this was one of those times. I knew the night would go to shambles, because somehow it always did. Charli and I would somehow find a way in, we'd stay together for a short while, until Caleb found her and then I would be left alone. Not my idea of a fun night.

"Charli, I'm not going there to cause problems again. Harry's just gonna kick me out for the third time."

In all honestly, I'd rather go to the frat party that's always been held on Halloween. At least that way we were guaranteed entrance and we wouldn't be ordered to leave by some snotty Brit.

"They made the event open to anyone nineteen and over," she reasond in a singsong voice, implying nothing other than the fact that we were going.

I groaned loudly, gone was my airtight excuse.

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