Chapter 24: Mornings Like These

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Cami's POV:

Harry's warm, callused hands made their way under my shirt and over my head, leaving me standing there in my finest set of bra and panties.

His eyes widened at the sight of the black beaded lingerie clinging to my chest.

"Fuck Cami, are you trying to kill me?" He smirked in between kisses.

The anticipation to see him unclothed was too much. I pulled his shirt off and began hungrily kissing his neck.

The black ink marking his body never failed to take my breath away. It was the perfect contrast to his beautiful tan skin. In a quick move of anticipation, I took Harry's hand in mine and led him to the bedroom.

Standing in the middle of my room, Harry grabbed the bottom of my ass with both arms and lifted me up and dropped me onto the bed, causing a screech to escape my lips.

He laughed in response, but his eyes quickly darkened as he made his way between my legs.

His large hands cupped both of my breasts and my body tensed. He placed a gentle kiss on each breast, leaving me breathless and wanting more.

"Harry," My voice sounded different, but in all the best ways.

"Baby," Harry's lips moved skillfully down the length of my torso. "You're so beautiful."

His words not only intensified the pressure building between my legs, but cause the release of what felt like a thousand butterflies in my stomach.

No longer being able to wait, I grabbed the sides of my panties and rolled them off, signaling him to do the same with his pants.

Moments later, Harry was ripping open a foil packet with his teeth, never losing eye contact with me.

His muscular tattooed arms tensed on either side of me as he pushed himself to hover above me. My hands found their way to his back, pushing him to go further, filling me completely.

His movements were slow and sensual, allowing me to feel every glorious inch of him. I could hardly form a coherent thought, losing myself in the beautiful man above me.

Harry began sliding in and out of me, moving faster each time. The fire burning in the pit of my stomach grew stronger, forcing several moans out of my mouth.

I was getting closer and I knew Harry was too. This time felt different, we were both somehow connected but separate.

Harry's body began to tense, as he pushed into me harder than ever before. The feeling was too much for me to handle.

I pushed my hips upward to meet them with Harry's, earning me a deep moan. His pace immediately changed, as he rolled his hips in slow agonzing circles.

My need to kiss Harry became suddenly urgent, as I tugged on his curly brown locks, bringing his face down to meet mine.

His skillful mouth latched onto my lower lip, pulling on it in the most seductive way.

"Harry... please," I begged, as I began to feel my legs shake. He slid in and out of me in fast movements, allowing me to feel every inch of him.

Immediately, my eyes screwed shut and I came undone beneath him, watching him do the same.

I could hardly catch my breath, when Harry flopped onto his side, pulling me to his chest.

Harry's POV:

Things were so comfortable in every sense of the word. Things between Cami and I had been better than I could have ever imagined. I could feel her opening up to me and letting her walls down that guarded her heart so vigorously before. I could feel the way she was beginning to fall for me, whether she wanted to admit it or not. Nothing made me happier than knowing that the girl I had fallen for was beginning to feel the same way. That's right, I had fallen, completely arse over tits for the same girl I dragged out of my bar piss drunk a few months ago.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now