Chapter 10: Am I interrupting Something?

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N/a: please follow me on Twitter maryxbutterfly I follow back

Harry POV:

"Colt, did you sign off on the delivery this morning?" I asked, from across my empty club.

Lately, since Caleb and I had been leaving Colt in charge more often, he seemed to think he actually held some sort of seniority when I was around as well.

His head snapped up from the boxes he was unloading and his expression was nonchalant.

"You were on the phone," he shrugged.

I rolled my eyes at him but accepted his answer and headed back to my office. Weeknights were always slow at Bandit since most of the clientele were students. We had certain regulars that kept us open, using Bandit as a bar rather than a club until the weekend hit. Though we were not open during the day, a few members of staff were always present so we could organize for night time.

Unfortunately one of those members was Scarlet; one of our overly expressive bartenders. She was great at her job, she cleared a line in minutes and managed to receive overly generous tips in the meantime. However, she tended to be extremely flirty and she draped herself all over Caleb and I, any chance she could get. Since Caleb made it clear he was seeing someone, she transferred all affection she had for him, to me. Due to me becoming the only object of her affection, her advances had drastically increased and she had become more pushy in her attempts. She was attractive sure, a busty blue eyed blonde, what guy wouldn't be tempted? Thankfully for me, Bandit had a strict employee fraternization rule. Though it didn't completely halt her attempts, it gave me a valid reason to deny her, despite the fact that I found her desperosity very unattractive. For lack of a better or kinder term, she was easy and that wasn't what I was looking for in a girl.

As if my thoughts had some how channeled her, much to my annoyance a knock sounded on my office door. As I looked up, her bleach blonde locks peeked into my view along with her suggestive smile.

"Scarlet, what can I do for you?" I asked, continuing to go through already completed paperwork.

I figured if I seemed uninterested she would finally take a hint. So far it hadn't been working. Surly, eventually she would get tired of being denied and would give up.

She sauntered over to my desk, noticeably swaying her barely there hips trying to force a reaction out of me. I ignored her attempts and she decided to plop herself on the edge of my desk, just beside where my arms rested. I looked up at her and furrowed my eyebrows as her lips formed into a suggestive smirk.

"What are you doing this weekend?" she asked, as she bit her lip.

I internally cringed at her action. Things like this were exactly why she came off so desperate. If she portrayed even a little sense of being hard to get, more guys would actually be interested in her. After All, every guy likes a challenge.

"Working, Caleb's out of town remember?" I asked her, and she rolled her eyes.

"Right, with his girlfriend," she said, putting air quotes on the words.

It was clear she resented Charli and as far as I knew, they hadn't even met. I sighed loudly and tried to look as if I was actually trying to sort through the large stacks of paper on my desk.

"I'm a little busy, is there anything else you wanted?"

"I was just thinking, we should hang out sometime. You could come to my place, or I could come to yours, whatever."

With a lustful glint in her blue eyes, she squeezed in her arms and leaned forwards, offering me a full display of her cleavage. I turned away and opted instead to mindlessly surf my computer.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now