Chapter 21: My Butterfly

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Harry's POV:

New Years eve.... A time to forget about all the shitty things that have happened during the year and hope for better times in the next one. The notorious day to party and acceptably kiss a stranger at midnight. While everyone else in Bandit seemed content to get drunk and naively wait for 2015 to come, I was not inclined to do so. It was almost as if they thought it would wash away all the struggles that went on this year, but they were wrong. They would still be there when they woke up and the new year meant nothing in that regard. Cami would still be ignoring me; for reasons that were beyond my understanding and I would still be empty. The new year wouldn't fix that and though I had tried, neither would alcohol. Whilst the very large crowds of people inside the club seemed to be in good spirits, I felt more detached than ever. Caleb's advice only worked if I got to talk to Cami and she wasn't making that easy for me. For the first time since Christmas, I had tried to call her. Imagine my humiliation when she sent the call immediately to voicemail. I had tried to go see her at work and that effort was also unsuccessful due to the fact that she had changed her usual hours, which brought me to tonight.

Bandit had a better turnout than expected. The line for admittance was down the block and only gaining more as the time grew closer to midnight. The dj had the music down to perfection and the bar was kept at a rapid pace leaving little to no lines to get beverages. The place was crowded but it meant we were making money and Caleb and I were more than ok with that.

He and Charli had managed to keep the vip area completely isolated to themselves and I was a little envious that he was spending tonight with the girl he cared about and I was not.

Charli said she tried to convince Cami to come tonight, but of course she declined. In this moment I hated her stubborn nature, but her strong stance on her opinions was one of my favourite things about her.

It was odd not seeing or speaking to her for so long. It had only been six days, but it had been the longest that we've had no contact since we started hanging out.

To keep my thoughts from drifting back to her I checked on every department of my staff.

Bar was handled, security had no problems, so far and waitresses were collecting very large tips.

All was good and working like a well oiled machine.

With nothing else to do, I figured I might as well bother Caleb. If I couldn't enjoy the girl I wanted's company, neither could he.

I waved off the security guard standing outside the vip entrance and prayed that they were both fully clothed.

Thankfully, they were both seated comfortably on a plush sofa with a drink in their hands. Their eyes may have been suggesting they be doing something a little more intimate, but it was safe to intrude.

"Get a room, and preferably not one in our club," I teased and they both looked over in amusement.

I plopped down in the seat adjacent to them with a loud huff.

Charli reached over and patted my arm soothingly.

"You okay?" she asked with sympathy.

Although I appreciated her concern, I really hated being pitied. I was upset that Cami didn't show but I didn't need to be babied.

"Cami's been avoiding and ignoring me for a week but otherwise I'm fine," I quipped.

Charli rolled her eyes and Caleb chuckled at my sarcasm.

"We tried to make her come, but you know her." Caleb shrugged.

I nodded my head. I did know her and if she didn't want to do something, she wouldn't be convinced otherwise.

Butterfly [A Harry Styles Fanfiction] *COMPLETED WITH SEQUEl* {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now