Chapter 2: Memory Lane

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My fingers stiffened from the last change I made on the keyboard. They felt slightly numb from the hours of typing they had just underwent. Three essays later, I finally closed the screen of my laptop and cracked my knuckles.

It had been days since I had left my apartment and gone out with my friends. For the good part of the week, I had remained cooped up in my room researching and editing essays, just so I could have tonight free.

Did I really want to spend a homework free Friday night at my fathers house?


But, it was his birthday and even though I was sure he wouldn't notice my absence, I promised myself I would be the bigger person.

In Jeremy Ryder's eyes, he was the perfect man and father, who had never made any mistakes. In mine, he was a workaholic who cared more about his job than his family. Sure he wasn't the worst dad around, he never did those awful things you hear about, but he sure wasn't around much either.

My grandmother pretty much raised me until I was old enough to fend for myself. Once I turned sixteen I practically lived alone. Jeremy spent most nights at his office and even when he was home, he tended to lock himself in the study. It's no wonder my mom left us before I was even five. What's the point of having a husband if he's never around?

When I was little I resented her for leaving and not loving us anymore. I was a momma's girl but naturally, I blamed her for leaving me without a mom, or someone to turn to when I was in need of a woman's advice. It wasn't until I was older and could understand what her leaving actually meant did I start to resent her even more.

I got over it eventually for the most part. I learned the hard way that people always leave one way or another. First my mom, then my grandma when she passed away a few years ago and my high school boyfriend, who I was stupid enough to think was forever around the same time.

What a load of s.hit. Nothing lasts forever and it was naive to believe anything will. Even though it sounds cynical, I was preventing myself from ending up with a broken heart yet again.

I looked to the time on my phone and saw it was almost five-thirty. If I planned on getting to my father's party on time, I had to start getting ready. I let out a loud groan, tired and dreading spending an evening with over fifty of my father's 'closest friends'. At least that's what the invitation said. That's right, I didn't even get a personal invite, just a invitation in the mail outlining the date, time and place.

If I could convince Charli to tag along, maybe then the night will be somewhat bearable. I've barely seen her all week since she's been spending a lot of time with Caleb and I've been absorbed in homework and a few shifts at The Grind.

I decided to wander across the hallway to her door, thrusting it open.

"Please say you don't have any plans ton-" I stopped talking once I looked up to the sight in front of me. Caleb, butt naked straddling an equally as naked Charli. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry," I said.

Caleb frantically grabbed around, taking the bed sheet to cover himself as I practically sprinted back to my room, throwing myself onto my bed.

I covered my embarrassed face with my hands, quietly chuckling to myself. This wasn't the first time I've walked in on Charli and whatever guy she takes home for the night. I should really learn to knock by now.

Mumbling was heard from Charli's room, surely Caleb trying to compose himself after bearing so much skin to a complete stranger.

A soft knock on my door sounded moments later, as my roommate's head peeked through the doorjamb.

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