Chapter 36: Anger

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Cami's POV:

Hot anger coursed through my veins and threw my calm state overboard. The new philosophy, the girl who didn't have feelings anymore, she was gone. I wanted to punch something, wanted to break every piece of furniture that was on the balcony. Instead of feeling nothing, all I could feel was a strong wrath boiling up inside me.

I couldn't make sense of the letter, or its' purpose. The words in it just didn't add up. Why would she lie and say she had made contact when I clearly knew she hadn't? Was it supposed to make me think that she actually cared all this time? It couldn't just be coincidence that I had never received not one card from all the years she supposedly sent them.

I came to the conclusion that she must have done it to make herself feel better before her time came, and that only made me angrier. She didn't want to head to whatever life after death there was with a guilty conscious.

My mind was hazy and I couldn't form a coherent thought. It felt like I was drunk with rage and I knew the moment someone tested my patience I would erupt. I needed to get out, I felt like I was trapped in a box with no oxygen. I pulled at Harry's sweatshirt, suddenly feeling as if it was choking me. I needed to calm down, to take the edge off. I needed to drink.

I stormed into the apartment, no longer caring if I woke Harry or not. I flicked on the lights that illuminated the kitchen and went straight for our poor excuse of a liquor cabinet. I wasn't surprised to find it empty, but I sure was irritated. Replenishing the stash had not been on either mine nor Charli's to do list since both of our boyfriends owned a nightclub that provided free alcohol per our requests.

It was then that an idea hit me.

Harry may own Bandit but I didn't need him to get in. By now the staff had become accustom to not checking me for ID or asking for payment on anything. Spending some time by the bar was exactly what I needed.

I looked down at my body, coming to the conclusion that sleep shorts and a grey hoodie were not gonna cut it. I silently cursed under my breath knowing that despite how little I cared, it would raise a red flag if I went there looking like this. Harry seemed to still be asleep- despite my loud rummage through the kitchen, but he would surely wake up if I tried to get clothes out of my closet.

I suddenly remembered that my lovely roommate was out for the night and though we weren't exactly the same size, her clothes would have to make do.

I still made an effort to be quiet as I tiptoed around Charli's empty room. I opened her closet door slowly and prayed that it didn't creak. If Harry woke up there was no way he would let me leave. I sighed a breath of relief when I had the door open enough for me to pull things from without a sound being made. I yanked out a pair of Charli's leggings and a low cut black tank top. I threw my clothes on her bed haphazardly and pulled both articles of clothing on.

Back in the hallway, I only had my stilettos from the funeral by the door, giving me no other choice in footwear. I grabbed my purse and keys, taking my leather jacket from the coat hook and exiting silently through the front door.


Bandit was crowded with people, being that it was a Friday night. I pushed my way through the crowd and attempted to find a seat at the bar. To my displeasure, every barstool was taken, only chipping away at the very little patience I had left. I squished in between two people and struggled to get a bartender's attention. I didn't recognize either of the girls working behind the bar and that could be an issue.

A tap on my shoulder diverted my attention away from the bar and toward the person behind me.

"Hey, are you here with Harry?" Colt asked, looking at the people surrounding me to see if I was with him.

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