Chapter 23: Instigators & Troublemakers

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Cami's POV:

My feet felt raw and a shooting pain was running down my back. I hadn't worked this much since the summer time, not to mention while I was balancing a ton of school work. This week had been better than the last since I had managed to get ahead on a couple of things, but it was still a struggle. Meryl was having everyone fill in where necessary and things were rather chaotic at The Grind. She needed to hire a replacement as soon as possible. For now, Niall and I had things under control, but when we both had school work to attend to, conflict would arise. Things between Niall and I were better than normal. It wasn't weird or awkward and we were finally able to be completely comfortable around each other. I had my suspicions that it had something to do with his newfound interest in Rachel, but nevertheless I was beyond relieved. Niall had been a great friend to me for years and I hated that I contributed to any sadness he may have experienced. Now that he was over whatever feelings he might have felt, we were free to move forward and just be best friends again. I wanted him to be happy too, to have feelings for someone who reciprocated them. I somehow felt that Rachel could be that girl. I was on a mission to get them together.

Things started to slow down, but there was still countless customers sitting at the tables chatting or doing homework. Niall and I were trying to clean the disaster we created behind the counter during the rush, but I knew I would be here cleaning up until way after close.

"Hey, Ni?" I questioned.


"Have you seen Rachel around?"

I knew it wasn't smooth, but with boys you needed to spell things out for them or they wouldn't pick up on it. With Rachel I would have to be a little more subtle, but I had time to think about how I would hint she should give things a shot with Niall.

"Yeah, I had a shift with her yesterday. Why?"

"I was just thinking, you two have known eachother for a while and she's a great girl."

His eyebrows narrowed in confusion. So I wasn't so good with this kind of thing, but hey I was trying.

"Cami, what are you getting at?"

"I just think you two would be good together. Maybe you should ask her to hang out or something."

Niall let out a chuckle and I could tell he knew where I was going with this. I could see the way he had been acting around her lately and though he had known her for over a year, things had changed in the recent weeks.

"Rachel would never go for me." His face held amusement at the idea, but I knew it must have stung that he thought yet another girl wasn't interested in him.

"Why not? You're a great catch."

"You didn't seem to think so," he remarked a little bitterly.

Ouch, I walked right into that one.

"That's different. You and Rachel aren't best friends," I reasoned.

He was silent and he nodded his head in understanding.

Just because I didn't go for him, didn't mean she wouldn't. They both had a little flirtation going on, I could see it in the few hours we worked the same shifts together.

"You really think she'll be interested?" he asked timidly.

"I've seen the way you two have been acting towards each other."

A light smile found its' way on his face and his cheeks flushed red. Blushing was a clear sign my assumptions had been correct.

"Maybe when things calm down here I'll ask her to hang out," he suggested.

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